A Unsuspected Surprise

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Clay's POV: *YAWN* Good morning Knighton, This's been the best sleep I've had in weeks, you-know all the training and such. But besides that life's been pretty good. Now then time to wake up Jes...huh? where's Jestro?.


( Clay looks around the room for Jestro, but he's no-where to be seen. Suddenly Jestro walks through the bathroom door, looking a bit shaken.)

Clay: Jestro, there you are, I was worried!!

Jestro: Heh, morning Clay. Sorry if I scared you its just...*sigh* I'm not feeling so great.

Clay: A...are you sick, you can lie down if you...

( Before Clay can finish, Jestro falls into his arms, exhausted and panting. )

 Clay: *Gasp* Stay here, I'll go get Ava!! 

( Clay runs out the door faster than the speed of sound. )

Jestro: *Moans* ( Hops into bed and pulls the covers over his shoulders.)

10 Minutes later

Ava: Alright Clay, just relax, i'm sure he's fine.

Clay: If you're sure...but why'd everyone else have to come!?

Aaron: It's cause we're worried dude, can't just hear this and not DO anything!!

Clay: Fine, but if you're coming in you'll have to be quiet.

Macy: Roger that captain. 

( Ava opens the door , Jestro's face made it certain that something wasn't right. He sort-of had that expression like..." Ugh, gotta wake up for school". That and he was slightly green. )

Everyone: Whoa!!

Jestro: Huh!?, what're you all doing here.

Robin: We came to check on you, what else could we be doing?

Jestro: Oh...right.

Ava: Now Jestro, how EXACTLY have you been feeling?

Jestro: Well, just a really bad stomach-ache, with a bit of nausea.

Ava: And have you thrown up at all?

Jestro: Yeah, just a while ago, why'd you ask?

Ava: Now one more question, have you and Clay done "IT" yet.

Jestro: *Bright Red* Uh...Y...yes?

Ava: I rest my case!

Clay: Well, what is it, something serious!?

Ava: Everyone I have an announcement!

( Everyone looks at Ava with a shocked expression. Eagerly waiting for the response. )

Ava: Jestro, you...are...Pregnant.

Jestro: WHAT...how do you know that!?

Ava: All the results are checked correct, there's no denying it.

Lance: Uh...lets just leave them alone, everyone.

( After everyone had left Jestro began to cry. )

Clay: Don't cry this's great, we'll be one big happy family .

Jestro: I'm crying tears of joy, i'm so happy this happened!!

Clay: Me too buddy.

( Jestro places a hand on his stomach and began to rub it gently, Clay placed his hand over-top as the two kissed tenderly. Dreaming of their future together.


* I'M BACK IN BUSINESS BABY WOO WHO!!!!!. Anyway sorry about that outburst, i'm just so excited to continue this series. Yes, Jestro's Pregnant, I know this may be a surprise ( Hence the title ) but hey, i'm just happy to be back on here and giving you F4ns what you want. MORE CORRUPT HEART ( Well in this case A Soul Reborn XD )*

*Peace out F4ns* 

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