Chapter One: Prison

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"This school looks like a prison," my twin to the left stated, staring up at the gates too.

"Would it be bad if I said I wish it was?"

He didn't look at me. "Yes."

"I wish it was."

He snorted softly, running his hands through his hair. "How do we get in?"

I looked at the tall metal gates with particular distaste. They looked extremely uninviting, and I doubted I could just simply push them open.

"Wait, never mind. There's and intercom." He stalked up to the wall with the devise on it and looked back at me with a pointed look.

I huffed and stood beside him, leaving my suitcase beside his.

After a moments hesitation, he pressed the button and said, "Hello?"

"Good Afternoon, welcome to Eddingworth Prep. Please state you name and business after the tone."

Kingsley and I blinked and looked at each other with bored looks. I had a funny feeling that was the principle, and she sounded awfully robotic.

"Uh, Kingsley and Alexandrea Jones, we're the new students," my brother said while holding down the button.

"Welcome. Please step away from the gates and wait."

We hastily did as told and stood in front of them. The gates opened noisily and Kingsley gritted his teeth; he hated that noise.

Heaving a sigh, I pulled my suitcase behind me as we both made our way up the lane to the school. It was all uphill but unlike me, Kingsley didn't seem to mind. He was always the more energetic one out of us, even if I was sportier, though he'd never admit it.

At the top of the 600 metre long lane, both Kingsley and I were met with a weird surprise. At least 30 adults were in a line at the back and so were all of, what looked like, the senior year in front of them.

"Fuck," said my twin, and I let a small smile come through, though it dropped when I saw his surprised sideways look.

In the very front of the group was a man in a dark navy-blue suit and slicked back hair. Mr. Edge, the principle.

"Welcome to our school, Mister and Miss Jones. You are very welcome here. We do not usually have new students, particularly late comers, so we decided to give you a special greeting," the principle said with a huge smile on his face.

"I can see that. Nice to meet you, Sir," I spoke, falling to keep out the sarcasm.

As Kingsley went foreword to shake the mans hand, he oh so subtly stood on my toe, making me shoot him a dirty look. He pretended not to notice and folded his hands in front of him.

Fucking Angel.

"Miss Katie will show you two to your dormitories. The both of you will be sharing one room; I hope that is okay. Classes start at 9am sharp, so be ready then. You have an hour to get ready for breakfast, which is at 8am in the main hall. Any of the students will show you where that is, got it?" He asked us, and we both nodded.

A female teacher with shoulder length blonde hair stepped foreword and introduced herself to us as Miss Katie.

"Follow me," she told us, and we grabbed our suitcases and obliged. I looked around at all the students standing in front of me and couldn't help but notice a small but important detail. Maybe cheerleading practice was on or something?

The principle caught my eye and gave me a big fat encouraging smile, to which I automatically responded to via a sarcastic one. A few students snickered as I followed my brother and the blonde through the front doors, and it almost made me smile.


The halls were tall and grand; something you'd expect from this type of school. There were great big staircases leading up to other levels and judging by the size of the school, there was about 5 stories.

"The school was built in the Victorian ages, that's why the architecture is so unusual. It had construction done on it about 15 years ago, when the 5th floor was built. You can't even tell that it's new. The 5th floor is the dorm floor. All dormitories are there," Miss Katie told us and we walked up the many stairs.

"How many students in the school?" Kingsley asked her.

"About 15 hundred, maybe more. There's 300 in Senior Year."

I let out a low whistle. "Fuck."

The 5th floor did indeed look the exact same as the rest of the school. It had the same designs on the wall, same carpeting and even the same style of furniture.

"Your dorm is No. 743. You've already been sent all the rules before your arrival, so you should be well aware of them. Uniforms are in the cupboards and books are stacked on the foot of each bed. See you guys at breakfast," she said and left us in the hall with a set of keys each.

I looked at my twin. "It feels like a Harry Potter book, doesn't it?"

"Miss Katie is hardly Professor McGonagall."

I rolled my eyes and opened our new dorm with my key before shoving myself and my belongings through.

The place was fairly simple. Two beds on either side of the room, a cupboard and desk to each bed and a chest at the foot of the bed. A bedside locker was there too.

"Welcome home," I said sarcastically.

Kingsley put his suitcase down and took his phone and wallet out of his hoodie pocket and threw them on the bed.

We weren't exactly dressed right yet, I realised. Kingsley was wearing a red hoodie and long grey shorts with his old dusty sneakers; the typical 17 year old attire.

I was in some sweatpants, a pair of knock off Converse an oversized hoodie which belonged to Kingsley. My hair was in a messy bun and I had dark circles under my eyes. We both did.

We didn't do much talking as we changed into our uniforms. Thankfully there was a curtain in the middle of the room which we could pull open and shut.

The uniform was pretty decent if I were honest. Certainly a step up from our last ones. I had a navy-blue and yellow checkered skirt, a white shirt, a blue blazer with the schools crest on it and some blue knee socks with to yellow stripes at the top. The black school shoes, however, I wasn't too impressed with.

"Do I really have to wear this shit on my feet for 6 months?" I complained when we were both finished packing and getting no dressed.

"Quite fetching, darlin'," my twin said, putting on a very shit American accent.

I gave him a dry look. "Fuck off."

"Wanna go?"

"Sure. Nice tie," I mocked, motioning to the blue and yellow fabric around his neck.

"You forgot yours." He threw a similar coloured one at me and I caught it with ease.

I held the thing in my hands. "What is it?"

"A tie?" He offered.

"It's not a tie you genius, it's a short scarf thing. How do I- oh never mind, I got it," I said, tying it in front of my neck loosely.


"Sure. Let's go." I heaved a sigh and followed my brother out the door, letting it slam shut after me.

This school sucked.

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