Part 9 - Reminiscence

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"Knock it off, Kevin. It's not funny." Ryoma said as he was irritated by the little girl's comment.

"Yeah....okay....sorry, Ryoma. My bad." Said Kevin as he tried to stop laughing. "Well, you friend here is a guy. Seriously a guy...well sure he a...girl but a guy. He is a total guy." Kevin explained to the little girl.


The three of them were chatting happily for almost an hour before suddenly a doctor came into Ryoma's room to check on Ryoma's condition for the day. He was already used to see Kevin with Ryoma because Kevin always came to visit Ryoma. The same goes for Ryoga and the rest of the family but Kevin would always be there whenever he was free and if he is, Ryoga, Rinko and Nanjiroh would just check on him by calling Kevin to ask about his condition and to relay messages from then or Ryoma. But the little girl is a different kind of story.

"Who is this little one here, boys?" Dr. Steven asked.

"A lost child?" Answered Kevin calmly.

"Ouh..." He continued on walking towards Ryoma before he stopped again. "Wait...what?"

"She came inside the room like a storm...I guess..." Kevin answered again.

Dr. Steven went speechless by listening to Kevin's word and he just leave his mouth wide open. Ryoma sighed as he could already think about what the doctor would say to him. The same old 'Are you sure to just let a stranger inside your room?' kinda question since it had happen before, the incident where Kevin just found out about Ryoma's situation. It was not a good scene indeed.


"I know what you want to say, Doctor...believe me I know. But she's just a harmless little girl. No need to fuss." Ryoma said as he was trying to ease his condition on the bed, searching for a more comfortable posture to sit with.

"'s good that you realised but....what's your name, little girl?" Dr. Steven asked.

"Lily...Lily Spencer." She answered as she was hiding beside Ryoma.


"Doc?" Asked Kevin.

"Ahhh...Lily Spencer! You are supposed to be admitted today isn't it? Your family were searching for you...for hours."


Few minutes later, her doctor and family came and took her. They were thanking Ryoma and Kevin for looking after her there and Doctor Steven to inform them about her where about. Before Lily went out of Ryoma's room, she stopped by the door and peeked at Ryoma who was smiling lightly for her and wave her goodbye with Kevin by his side smiling as broad as he could.

"Can...can I come again, Ryoma?" She asked.

All of them were shocked to hear her question but the doctors and Ryoma and also Kevin were just smiling as they saw the expression that her parents were making when they heard her.

"Sure...I'm not going anywhere." Answered Ryoma.

"Well...I'm only here whenever I am might see Ryoma's family next." Kevin said.

"Okay!" She answered happily as she was dragging the rabbit plush toy with her.

As everyone leaves the room, only the three of them are left inside. Kevin started to walks towards the couch to sit and wait for Ryoma's routine health checked up is done. Ryoma was sighing and just stared at the window blankly while he was being checked.

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