Realize It No. 4

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Los Angeles, California
May 10th, 2014


I kissed her lips, arranging my baseball cap, "I gotta go, Yana"

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I kissed her lips, arranging my baseball cap, "I gotta go, Yana"

"One more round" She smirked, tugging at the band of my jeans

"Nah. You said that 3 rounds ago" I chuckled

"Hmph" She twirled one of her braided pigtails, "Fine. Call me when you need me, baby"

"Will do"

I left her apartment, jogging down the steps to the parking lot. Walking down the sidewalk, I couldn't help but think about John to see what she was doing this morning. My hand habitually took my phone out the pocket of my jacket- as usual- my cell drops.

"No!" I picked it up, a tear slipped out my eye as I looked at the crack

I groaned, but brushed it off. I'll get a new one next week. It didn't bother me, yet the phone is too beautiful to have a stupid crack with mini rocks in it.

Babygirl 😍🍑👑- Goodmorning 😌

Babygirl 😍🍑👑- Wake that ass up, fam

Babygirl 😍🍑👑- Rise and motherfucking shine! 🙌🏽

Who the hell is this?

Babygirl 😍🍑👑- Yooo 😓

😂 Heuheu. What you doin, lil mama? 😘

Babygirl 😍🍑👑- Packing to go home. We have to leave early 😕

Yas! 😃

Babygirl 😍🍑👑- No 😒 I'mma miss this state 😭 It's awesome

You know what else is awesome? 😏

Babygirl 😍🍑👑- Chris, don't 😐

Babygirl 😍🍑👑- Ahhh! Stop typing 😡

Babygirl 😍🍑👑- I'll hurt chu 🔪🔪

This dick is awesome 🍆

Babygirl 😍🍑👑- He typed it 😐

I laughed, shoving my phone in my pockets as well as my hands.

I call Johanne, John, for short because she never liked her first name. We met in 9th grade when we got into a fight- I hit her with my locker's door- and had to settle our differences.

Our friendship is a regular one. We have fun, go places, eat, spend nights at each other's homes. Then, we get into heated arguments, fight, ignore each other for hours to days, throw shade whilst being petty. But then- my personal favorite- we talk about our feelings and be there for one another.

Be Real With Me || Chris BrownDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora