The Rat

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Paul laid limp on the stone cold floor, drooling.  Growing bored quickly, so Lars spoke into microphone, "Diana, send someone to come in and clean this up.  Also, send the rat in."  Two minutes later, a small, petrified woman was shoved into the room.  The shorter woman's hair was a messy brown mop that sat upon a sharp, olive, thin face.  She had half-moon glasses that rested in front of her frightened hazelnut eyes.  Her lab coat was splattered with grease and burn marks.

"Chief Engineer Samantha Burns.  How are you today?" Lars said with an eerie smile.

"I-Is he dead?" Samantha whispered fearfully.

Lars  scratched his chin and spoke, "Apparently rude.  I am fine, thank you.  Well technically yes, his body thinks he's dead, and it's all thanks to you."

"No." She mouthed, "This isn't what we were working on. We were researching-" 

"A way to cure mental ailments.  Yes, I considered it, but your work had so much potential. But enough about the past, I need to close loose ends " Lars interjected. 

"Wait. Why do you need to kill me?" Samantha stammered.

Lars scoffed, "Not just kill.  Question then kill.  Your work here is done, but the problem is that you have a rather dangerous amount of clearance and have made poor use of it.  I also may have been overzealous with Paul here, so I need to know who else you betrayed me to."

Suddenly, Lars' grin went slack.  He could hear nothing but a far off rumble.  Not her meetings with Paul or fears of death or anything else for that matter.  Just silence.  The machine was silent.

"Diana! Explain!" Lars roared.

"The machine has been damaged, sir. " A bored Diana replied.

"Obviously! How?" Lars screamed, "And take Burns away! I will deal with her later." 

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