Chapter 1

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Alright so here is chapter 1 :)

Leave a comment if you like it, it will inspire me to write more


Chapter 1

"Phiiiiil wait for me!" a five year old Dan Howell shouted to his best friend who was running a head of him.

"Hurry up dan! I want Lion!" Phil shouted back, racing home to see his stuffed lion.

The two young best friends were at the the park for the day; running around, playing on the playground and just laying in the grass. They were having a great time until Phil realized he didn't have his favourite lion, named Lion, with him.

"Phiiiil I'm tired!" Dan complained as he fell to the ground exhausted.

Phil walked back over to Dan and laid next to him.

"Dan?" Phil asked.

"Yes Phil?"

"Do you really have to leave tomorrow?" Dan frowned.

You see, dans father got a job in London and so the Howells had to move there and they don't know when they might be able to come visit.

"I have to Phil." Dan turned his head to look at his best friend.

"Will you remember me?" Phil asked quietly.

Dan grabbed Phil's hand. "I'll always remember you Phil."

Phil smiled and sat up pulling dan into a hug.

"I'm gonna miss your hugs Danosaur" Phil said into dans shoulder.

Dan sniffed. "I'm gonna miss them too, philion"

They pulled away and started walking back home hand in hand, like normal five year old best friends would do.

They were about to cross the street when Dan turned to Phil. "Phil?"


"I love you"

Phil looked at Dan. "I love you too"

They both smiled as they crossed the street, too absorbed in each other to notice the speeding car coming right towards them.


14 years later. (Dans POV)

Beep beep beep.


Beep beep beep.

I opened my eyes slightly to the sound of that god damn alarm. I rolled over and grabbed my phone, turning off the alarm. 7:00 am. Why am I awake at this ungodly hour? I sat up and looked around my room. I lived in an apartment, by myself. I should probably find a roommate. Meh.

I got out of bed and took a shower, then waited for my straighteners to heat up. No WAY am I going out with hobbit hair. Only then did I realize-


I have to ten minutes.

Well shit.

I ran to the kitchen and pulled out an apple and ate it while straightening my hair. Then I threw on my Starbucks uniform and ran out the door with 30 seconds to spare. New record! Luckily Starbucks was around the corner so I didn't have to walk very far.

Oh right. Who am I? Well, I'm Dan Howell. I'm 19, I live in London, I love music and maltesers. Fun fact, I don't remember ANYTHING from before I was 6 years old. Yeah, apparently I was in some huge accident when I was 5 and I was in a coma for 9 months. Poor little me. I don't even remember if I was with anyone, I think my parents would've told me if someone else got hit. The only thing I remember is waking up in London where my dad worked. I got told that I used to live in Manchester but I was in the accident the day before we were moving. Way to go dan, ruin the moving trip for EVERYONE. It's sad though to think I can't remember half of my childhood. I got told quite enough but I never really got told if I had friends or not. I guess I didn't otherwise they would've visited me when I was in the hospital right?

I spent the day making coffees and such, like any normal shift until someone caught my eye.

A tall man, that looked probably the same age as me, with black hair that swooped across his face. He was wearing a blue plaid shirt with black skinny jeans and two unmatching socks. He had his head down as he walked in but from what I could see, this man was attractive.

I've known I was attracted to men since I turned 17. I haven't told my parents yet though because....well.....they're MAJOR homophobes. So yeah.

This "mysterious man" came up to the counter.

"H-how may I help you?" I stuttered out. Way to go dan.

He looked up and I froze. Woah. His eyes. His mother fucking so-blue-I-could-drown eyes.

"Could I have a tall caramel macchiato please?" He asked sweetly.

"Y-yeah s-sure" DAMNIT DAN. STOP STUTTERING. I felt a blush creep across my cheeks.

I got him his drink and he smiled and sat down. He really had a perfect smile.

A sudden rush of déjà vu hit me as I watched him smile. I feel like I had seen him before...but where?

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