Chapter 1 Yale!

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Picture of Evangeline<<<<<<

POV Evangeline


At the sound of my computer signaling that I got an email I flop down on the computer chair. Thinking it'll be a notification from one of those advertisement asking you to check out their product I wasn't prepared for what was actually waiting for me. I click it open and nearly fall off my chair. No.... freaking... way...

"Brooklyn!" I yell into the phone. "Brooklyn I got in, I got in!" I got into Yale! I pump my fist in the air and do a victory shout. Getting up I dance to the song playing through my radio. Which was "closer by The Chainsmokers feat. Halsey"

"What?! Casey that's amazing I knew you'd get in" Casey's my middle name. The only person who calls me by my first name was my parents and Jaime.

"Sure you did" I retort sarcastically.

Brooklyn is a terrible liar. She was rooting for Heather to get into Yale. Wait you must be confused. Okay well let me elaborate.

Heather is my greatest enemy and has been out to get me since freshman year. Why? Well because I got favored by our captain cheerleader, which was why when she graduated she chose me to take over the cheer squad. And in our sophomore year i got asked out to prom by Samuel Davis the most popular senior which was also known as everyone's crush including Heather's.

Oh and everyone worships me and if they don't at least they know to get out of my way. So ever since then she's been super competitive with me. And I mean super, like trying kill me super.

No I'm not exaggerating. Last year, I invited all our friends to a sleep over and she came also. She was invited by Brooklyn. (I purposely didn't extend the invitation to Heather although shes part of the group).

Anyways after 1am everyone began to drift off, everyone except Heather. She went through my room and found my straightener, my curler, basically everything that had a plug. At the end of each plug there's two holes. She locked a combination locker to each and every plug so I couldn't plug in my straightener or iron etc. I had to make Axel brake all the locks so I could plug in everything again. Not only that but she glued tacks on my toilet seat. I could've bleed to death if I didn't look before I sat! I confronted her the next day and she denied ever doing that but it had Heather written all over it. What can I say, I'm a very good detective. I could smell her scent and dust out her fingerprints. Okay ok I found her earring in my bedroom floor. But I figured out it was hers out of all five of my friends. Alright okay it had her initials.

I know right who gets their initials on their earrings. Ha ha *nervous laugh* not me.

Wait. You must be wondering why do I even bother hanging out with Heather. We hang out together because Heather is so fake she pretends to be my friend.

I can't ditch my friends. (Well Heather isnt my friend, shes my acquaintance who hangs out with me). It'll leave me with a bad reputation. I'm captain of the cheer squad, class president, and homecoming Queen.

They come along with being the popular girl. It's like a package deal. If you want to be crowned popular girl, a group comes with the title. Like for example Regina George and her plastics or like Blair Waldorf and her minions.

Let me tell you a little about them. Brooklyn herself is the captain of her basketball, softball, and soccer team. She's the schools best girl athlete.

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