Chapter 30~~ O2L House

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RECAP!-------Sam's POV

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR TRYING TO KISS MY GIRLFRIEND!" I yelled in his face and then the music stopped. Everyone was staring at us.

Jc swung at me but Bella had moved in front of me and he accidentally punched her in the face. She yelped and fell to the ground in pain.

"Ohmigod I'm so sorry! Bella I swear I was trying to hit Sam." Jc apologized with sincereness.

"Just get away from me." she cried.


"GET OUT!" I yelled in his face. He took one last look at Bella and then exited the gym in tears.

Jc's POV

I felt so bad about what I did to Bella. I'm a horrible person. If I hadn't tried to kiss Bella, this wouldn't have happened. Why do I have to be such a screw up? Why can't I just learn to stay away from Bella? She'll be much happier if I do. But I love her and if you've ever loved anybody, you'd know how hard it is to keep your distance from them.

I felt my phone buzz and it was a text from Connor. 

Connor: Dude, guess what?

Jc: What?


Jc: Why?

Connor: Because O2L is moving into a house together. Except for Ricky cuz he's a big boy now.

Jc: That's awesome!!!! Wait, is Sam gonna be there.

Connor: Can't you guys just kiss and makeup? You guys are brothers. It's time you just apologized already.

Jc: Apologize?!? He started it!

Connor: First of all, no he didn't, second of all I don't care who started it. You're making up whether you like it or not.

Jc: He should be the one to apologize!

Connor: Dude, calm down. If you want this O2L house thing to work then you and Sam have to make up or at least tolerate each other. 

I rolled my eyes and sent him one last text.

Jc: Fine. But my room better be far away from Sam's.

Connor: Deal.

Sam's POV

I woke up to a text from Kian. I yawned and then opened up the text.

Kian: Hey Sam. How ya feeling?

Sam: My girlfriend just got punched in the face. I'm not feeling too hot.

Kian: By the way, how is she?

Sam: She's alright...sorta. So what's up?


Sam: O2L as in Jc?

Kian: Well, uh, yeah but it's gonna be so much fun. You've been talking about getting a house with O2L from the beginning and now it's finally happening. Aren't you excited?!?

Sam: Kian, I'm going to be living with the guy who punched my girlfriend in the face. I'm not excited.

Kian: See? This is the perfect time to apologize. Don't you remember when you and Jc were best friends? You guys were literally the closest out of the 6 of us.

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