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So mi good ol' fren emofeels might be able to take me to SuperCon!

I've never been to a convention before so I really don't know what to expect. I started thinking about who I would dress as.

I thought pretty much the easiest thing I could do was Annabeth Chase from the PJO series, but it was too simple.

So I thought; Blurryface Tyler? Or Captain America?

I told my mom this and showed her both of the costumes, and the first thing that came out of her mouth was this;

"Why do you want to dress like a boy?"

If this was anyone else I would have been tempted to punch them in the face.

So what if I want to cross-dress? It is literally just fabrics of clothing. And she is so transphobic that she doesn't want me acting or dressing like a male at all.

Who cares? Boys can wear skirts and I can dress like a male if I want. People do it all the time. No. Body. Cares.

I might have to end up dressing like Annabeth, but seriously, what kind of a stupid retort is that?

On a happier note, happy birthday to Jishwa Bean💕 already 28 end me

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