An Unexpected Life ( Sequel to An Unexpected Change.)

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This is the first sequel I have written. Like it says in the title the book before this is called An Unexpected Change but this new book can stand on it's own but I recomend that you do read the first book so you know the characters better.

I have exams next week and the week afterwards so I don't know when I can upload the next chapter but because I am in my last year we break up earlier than everyone else so I finish for christmas on the 15 till the 5th which means plenty of time for writing when I am not studying!!

Anyway by popular demand ( Which makes me extremley happy!) Here is the first chapter of An Unexpected Life the sequel to An Unexpected Change.


I could feel the blood pump round my head. Fighting adrenaline I took steady breaths in as I slowed my heart rate down. I slowly edged around the corner of the building with my back pressed against the wall. My gun held close to my chest waiting for someone to spring on me. I scanned the area, nothing. Next I held my breath and listened to my surroundings. I heard a click from above. I spun as quickly as I could get out the way. I pointed my gun up aimed and shot. Bang! He was dead.

The run down buildings faded and the room went back to its white walls and floors.

"A new record Teri. Well done." Vince praised. He pushed back his untamed white hair.

"Thanks. So did I pass?" I questioned.

"Did you pass?" He repeated. "You beat the record set by experienced agents. Of course you passed. Your training is officially over so get ready for the real thing next time."

"Thank you." I was so happy I ran up to Vince and gave him a big hug. The year of training was over. I was ready to become agent 007. "I can't wait to tell everyone!"

"By everyone you mean." He raised his eyebrows.

"Only Lee and Becks and J." I listed.

"Good. "He nodded then left.

My life was going to change so much. I was graduating next week and then I would be off to collage but instead of the normal part time job of waitressing I would be an agent but no one could know.

The whole ride home I was singing at the top of my voice. I pulled into the familiar school and I spotted Becky my best friend, Lee my other best friend and Becky boyfriend and Jace my perfect boyfriend.

"How did it go?" They all yelled at me even though I was at the other side of the school.

"I passed!" I yelled back. Lee stood up and grabbed Becks arm and ran to me. He jumped on me.

"My baby passed!" He yelled. Lee had a tendency to call me his baby a lot he acted like a proud mother. I didn't say anything it was nice to know he was looking after me since I hadn't seen my parents since they kicked me out after calling me weak for being in an abusive relationship. The relationship didn't last that long but that didn't matter to them. I didn't care though. My dad's guilt money had funded my brand new convertible car so it's their loss really.

Becks hugged us both and started to scream really loudly.

"Becks that's my ear and I quite like hearing things."

"Sorry." But she defiantly didn't look sorry. She grabbed Lee and started jumping with him.

"Well done!" J said as he kissed me.

"Ewww my poor innocent eyes!" Lee wined.

"I've seen you two kiss and it isn't pretty I can tell you that." I teased.

Becks blushed but Lee decided to stick his tongue out.

"I've seen you two kiss and it isn't pretty I can tell you that." He imitated in a posh English accent.

An Unexpected Life  ( Sequel to An Unexpected Change.)Where stories live. Discover now