Her old identity was still a big question to those guests who didn't have any idea of her past. But to those who knew specially the Luceros, Blancos and Tans, they were all so happy that Georgina had finally been reunited with her parents.

Jac and Belle approached her as soon as she started to mingle.

Jac said, "Kuya James will definitely be surprised when he sees you, Zoey."

Belle corrected her brother, "It's Georgina now, Kuya Jac. Kuya James had been miserable when you left the company. He immersed himself with work. He had also been doing all those extreme sports all four of us had tried before over and over again lately."

Georgina asked Belle, "Where is he now?"

Jac answered the question, "He's at the penthouse changing into his dinner suit. He just arrived from a Brazilian Jui Jitsu practice. Ever since you've disappeared he had felt the need of releasing all the stress through this combat sport and all those extreme sports. His heart belongs to you as Zoey but he is supposed to marry you as Georgina. Who would have thought that you and Zoey are just one person all along? You're so secretive, Georgina. You only come out in public eye tonight."

Belle noticed that James was coming and approaching them. Georgina, whose back was facing James, was silently signaled by the siblings of James' arrival.

Georgina didn't move to face James. So, when he stood behind her and asked his siblings, "So, where seems to be my future wife?" He was so surprised when the lady in front of him turned around to face him, "Zoey?!"

Georgina smiled at her former boss, "Hi. I'm Georgina."

James apologized. The idea of Zoey and Georgina being just one person hadn't sank into him yet, "Oh, I apologize. You just happen to have this uncanny resemblance to my former chief-of-staff."

Georgina that night was much fairer than the Zoey James had known. Georgina was more beautiful and more confident. Her complexion was much fairer as well. Her skin was much smoother and silkier. Her naturally straight long brown hair was much more voluminous, shinier, and healthier and styled differently. She wasn't wearing contact lenses anymore and her teeth had almost invisible braces. Her voice was a little different as well.

Their parents had approached them.

His father made the formal introduction, "Georgina, this is my eldest son, James Isaac. James, this is Georgina, your betrothed."

The emcee had announced the opening of the dance floor with a father and daughter dance by Don George and Georgina. So, Don George led her daughter to the dance floor for a waltz.

James couldn't take his eyes off Georgina. Just like what his parents had said, she was so beautiful.

His mother teased him, "So, how do you find Georgina, son?"

James answered honestly, "She looks like Zoey but she is much more sophisticated, prim, and proper."

His family didn't want to divulge the truth to him. They wanted him to discover the truth for himself.

Gregory also approached him, "So, how do you find my sister, buddy? You seem very surprised."

James answered Gregory, "You're correct when you said she is a Blanco and a Lucero in every inch. How was she found?"

Gregory stated, "Daddy George met her a few times. He had seen her wearing a necklace similar that of the one he had gifted G when she was still a baby at one occasion. He had also seen her birthmark in one occasion. Such clues lead them to the truth."

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