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I woke up with my alarm going off. "Shut up." I groan hitting it. "Avery get up it is your first day of school." Mom called from the door way. I got up and in the shower, I put on a little bit of make up and got dressed (pic above) slid on my shoes and walked down stairs and to the kitchen. "Do you wants some breakfast." Mom asked. "No thanks." I smile. "Okay a ride to school." She asked. "No Paul is giving me a ride." I said. "Paul, who's Paul." She asks. "Some boy I met." I say. "Is he a good boy or a bad boy." Mom asks. "Good boy." I laugh. I heard a honk and I look outside to see Paul's truck. "Bye." I said walking to his truck. "Hey Avery." He leaning in. "Wait, my mom could be looking through the window." I said and we drove down the dive way and into Emily's. "What are we doing there." I ask. "To pick up the boys, and this." He said kissed me. "Get a room." Jared yelled getting in the truck. "Yeah, whatever." I blush. "So Avery what grade are you going in." Quil asks. "I am a junior." I said. "Really Paul is a senior." Collin said. "Really." I smirk. "How old are you." Jacob asked. "16." I answer. "What Paul is 18." Brady says. "So age is just a number." Paul says. "Yeah, but he is my souls mate so it doesn't matter." I smile at him and he takes my hand. "Eww." They yell.

We got to school and got of the truck. "Oh yeah Avery, people think that we are part of a gang, so you might get some stares." Embry said. "What no, I hate attention." I said stopping and looking at Paul. "It will be okay." He said taking my hand. We walk into the court yard and Everyone is looking at me. "Why is she with the gang boys." A girl whispered to her friend. Paul walked me too the office, I get my time table and walk into the hallway. "I will see you at lunch." He said and kissed my cheek. Just when he left two girls my came up to me. "Hi I'm Kim and this is Rachel, not wanting to be rude, but do you know those boys." Kim asked. "Paul's girlfriend." I said. (Okay I know Rachel was Paul's imprint, but let's just say Embry imprinted on her). "So your his imprint." Rachel whispered. "Yeah, how do you know." I whisper back. "I'm Embry's imprint."
She said. "And I'm Jared's." Kim said. "Quil imprinted on Claire Young." Kim informed me. "Who are they." I asked as we start to walk to class. "Claire is very young and when I say young I mean young, she is 3 or 4." Rachel said. "Wow." I said


I walk to the cafeteria with Kim and Rachel we got our the boys. "Hey babe." Paul said and kissed my cheek as I set down. "So I see you met Kim and Rachel." Jared said and I nodded. Jared is my best friend, we talk all the time. "So what are we doing after school." Kim asked. "Well I am taking Claire to the beach." Quil said. "We should do that too." Paul said. "The beach, it is freezing outside." I exclaim. "But I am warm." He said hugging me from behind.

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