Maybe If you cared~Chapter 1

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3rd person perspective

      "BACK OFF, YOU EMO WANNABE!" Gene yelled, anger flashing in his eyes as he harshly shoved Zane away from him.

Zane lost his footing from the impact and fell to the ground, tears started to well up in his soft light blue eyes, Zane arose slowly as his tears rolled down his pale, freckled face.

     "MAYBE I WILL GO AWAY, BECAUSE YOU DON'T EVEN CARE ABOUT WHY I TRY MY HARDEST TO MEET YOUR STANDARDS, AND TO GET YOUR ATTENTION EACH DAY! I DO THIS BECAUSE I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU! BUT OF COURSE YOU DON'T CARE! I AM NOT PROUD OF BEING GAY OR LOVING YOU BUT I CANT CHANGE!" Zane screamed, his light cries turning into sobbing, "So just go spread the word won't you, tell the whole school that making me was Irene's biggest mistake!" Zane finished in a quiet voice, running off towards a big tree behind Phoenix Drop High.

     Gene then felt a wave of guilt wash over him, but why? Hurting Zane was one of his favorite things to do, he loved making that freak cry, he loved teaching him a lesson. Or did he? Maybe what Gene liked was not hurting Zane, but it was plain out was just being around him, and being in Zane's company that he enjoyed.

~Zane's POV~

     Why did I have to fall for a jerk like him, who am I kidding if I fell for anyone they would reject me, even my family hates me, my dad always liked Garroth more then me, heck he even likes Vlyad more than me. I sometimes think, he wished I was not even in the family, wished I didn't exsist...








     Oh look the little nerdy outcast Zane is turning soft and giving up,crying his heart out under a tree! ZANE THE UNLOVED GAY FREAK! THAT NOBODY LOVES, AND NOBODY EVER WILL!

     Maybe I should kill myself...yeah that's a good idea. Its not like anyone is going to care anyway, maybe me being dead will make everybody's life SO much better. WONT THAT MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER WORLD,IRENE WON'T THAT MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER?

~Gene's POV~

  I listen to Zane muttering stuff to himself under the tree, things that are so depressing they hurt me, seeing him like this is sad. He came out to me, he told me that he is Gay and that he loved me, and I hurt him. He even thought I would run around the school telling people he was Gay, but this sounds like he is going through depression, I should help him before kills himself, because I love him, and I know other people do too. He is just so damaged so abused, just so surrounded by hate and negativity that he just needs some love, and some positive things in his life.

I walk up to Zane, and he looks up at me, tears streaming down his face,

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FR-" I placed my hand over his mouth, I knew what he was gonna say.

     "Zane...stop..please..for me?" I asked him, looking into his eyes-eye, I wiped away his tears and pulled him up, he then instantly hugged me and buried his head in my chest, I stroked his hair until he was calm. He looked at me and smiled (in my story he does not wear a mask until later). The bell then rang indicating that we were 5 minutes late for our next class, I quickly pecked Zane on the cheek and ran towards where Sasha and Zenix were because they were probably wondering where I was for 5 long minutes.

BOOM DONE! How do you like it? I got lots of Ideas but if you want some things to happen then give me some ideas for later and maybe I can put both of our ideas together and make THE MEGA IDEA FOR A FAN FICTION THINGY THAT IS REALLY STUPID AND YEAH!

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