Author's Note

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and any of the characters, except a few I made up.


I just want to say a few words before you continue on. You probably won't read this much but I needed to post this.

Okay first, This is my first fanfiction. Not that significant but hey, I had to say it.

Second, I'm 12 well turning 13 when I started writing this. So bear with me. Please.

And Third, I'm a proud Filipino and my 1st language is not English, it's Tagalog. So please any mistakes with the usage of words or less use of fancy words and stuff about like that, I'm saying an advanced sorry.

I can't guarantee there won't be mistakes but i'll do my best to make things right.

I'm just trying to write a fanfic. I never had any intention writing one I just read fanfictions before. But I just had to. Just had to.

So please tell me if something's wrong with anything but in a good way. Seriously, please don't be rude.

So thanks for opening this story, just by reading this is enough.

Daughter of Zeus, legacy of Athena, blessed by Hades and Hecate.

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