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I woke up feeling myself wet and soaked.

"Huh?" I groaned sitting up, Where was I?

I saw niall, Louis, harry and zayn on the floor.

Who else did I see?

A weeping Liam, next to zayn.

He was shaking zayn crying "Wake up zayn..Don't leave me mate".

I sat up and called for the poor Batman.

He immediately looked over at me and lit up.

"Breanne! Oh my god breanne!" He ran to me hugging me tight.

"W-what happened?" I asked confused "Y-you don't remember?" He pulled away with a frightened look.

"No..Where are we Liam?" I asked him again.

"We crashed..Our plane crashed." He explained while my eyes went big.

"What?! Is niall,Louis,harry,zayn or josh dead?" I asked my voice trembling.

"No..Lets hope not" He gives me a hopeful look.

"Where's Ashley?" I looked around the place for the bitch.

"In the pilots room..Hopefully she's dead.." Liam chuckled

"Don't wish death to people Liam.." I warned laughing

I sat up and felt lightheaded.

Liam had concern written all over his face "I should have helped you..Instead, I was tweeting" he sighed.

"Don't say that Liam..It is definitely NOT your fault" I emphasized 'NOT'.

He gave me a small smile and stood up offering his hand to me.

I accepted it and I examined the place.

The plane was on fire.

My eyes widened and I ran to my brother.

"Josh..Josh! WAKE UP!"I shook him.

His eyes fluttered slowly and I sighed in relief.

"What happened? Who are you?" He asked me.

I shook my head in disbelief frowning.

"Y-you dont remember me?" I asked him,shocked.

"No..Where am I? What do you need from me?" He asked.

"Liam!!!" I called for the bald headed Smarty.

"Oh goodness.! Josh..Your awake!" Liam hugged him.

Josh wriggled away,frightened.

"Who's josh?! and who are you?" Josh frowned.

Liam's smile dropped and he looked at me "It couldn't be" he say still in shock.

"Yes Liam..I think it has happened." I sighed.

"Go wake up harry" I told Liam.

"What's a harry,and what does it do? How do you cook it?" josh asked me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Harry is our friend josh..I'm your sister,and your name is josh" I explained to him.

He was confused,"I'm a josh? How about him? What is he?" He pointed to lifeless Ashley.

I giggled and an idea popped onto my head.

"She's a bitch" I smiled at myself.

"She's a bitch? What does she do?" He asked me.

"She..Steals the guy you like" I said rather too fast.

"You mean..she's a thief?" He asked me again.

"Yes josh..A nasty thief" I whispered.

He gasped and moved further away Ashley's body.

Soon,Liam came back with harry and niall beside him.

"Omg! Guys!" I stood up.

"I think..Josh has an amnesia" Liam sighed.

"Pshh..Josh has amnesia? I dont think so" Harry knelt down to josh.

"Hey buddy..Remember me?" He smiled at josh.

"Are you a bitch too?" josh asked harry smiling at him.

Harry's eyes widened in shock and slowly stood up "Yup..he has amnesia alright" He scratched the back of his head.

We heard a groan and all five heads turned around to see zayn.

"Zayn!!" Liam ran to him and hugging his pal.

Niall looked at me.

"Are you alright bre?" He asked me resting his hand on my cheek.

"Yeah..I'm fine..I guess I just got a little cut here" I showed him my bleeding waist as he winced.

He reached for a bag lying next to him.

When he pulled his hand out of the bag,he had a band aid and a bottle of alcohol.

"Sit.." he ordered me and I sat.

He slowly pulled my shirt open enough to see my injuries.

"This'll hurt a bit okay" he looked at me in the eye.

"Pshh..Lies horan..LIES...I know it'll hurt like a bitch" I giggled.

He smiled and slowly put alcohol all over my owchie.

I winced as he put band aid on it.

"All done" he smirked as he came close to my face and kissed my cheek.

I tensed up as as shiver ran down my spine.

His smirk grew and he stood up leaving me sitting there.

Josh crawled his way to me.

"Who was he?" He asked me.

"My boyfriend" I winked.

"What's a boyfriend? How does it taste like? Is it delicious? how do you cook it?" He threw questions at me.

"Its a person,that you LOVE,josh" I giggled standing up.

"How come you can be a giant?" He pouted.

I held my hand out for him to grab on.

He examined it first,but soon grabbed on it.

I pulled him up and he slowly rose up.

He lit up,"Oh goodness! I'm a giant! Look! I'm taller than you!" He towered over me.

"Dude..Your a six footer! What else can you say?!" I giggled.

He looked at me,confusion written all over his face.

"Never mind" I sang and I pulled him to the others.


Tell me my people.

Did I make the good choice giving josh amnesia?

I dunno!

Anyways..Sorry I haven't been updating since forever.

I'm kinda busy you know.

Please vote share or comment.


-Mrs Imagination.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Oct 13, 2013 ⏰

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