"Wha? Ouch!" I groan as the two seven year old girls jump onto me.

I'm currently still at the Sandro's residents. After I made up with Peter I slept over and is currently being jumped by two seven year old girls.

Allie and Alexis are Peter's two blonde haired blue eyed seven year old sisters. Allie wears her hair long cascading down to the middle of her back.

She likes to be a princess and wears a lot of dresses. Allie always begs her mom to let her go to a cotillion but they don't have the money.

And then there was Alexis the total opposite of Allie.

A/N (Skip this is if you want to) As I was typing this my good friend (A guy who doesn't know about my 5sos obsession) was sitting behind me and said "And then there was Alexis" and he scared me so much I thought he read everything else but luckily he only read that part.

She prefers to be the knight saving the day and wears her hair short and wears prefers a shirt and shorts over a dress.

Peter, like I, was adopted. He just had more luck in finding a family than me but somehow through the years we still stuck together through the thick and thin.

After Ashton hit me, Luke gave me up, and I was put in an orphanage I was extremely sad for a six year old. Mrs.Colby took me to the doctor and they pronounced me with depression.

Soon after Mrs. Colby became like my adopted mother and that's where I met all of my best friends. Peter, Faith, Justin, Jaylen, Eli, Romona and Presley.

I lost some friends along the way to suicide like Romona and Levvy. I lost my best friend Faith to cancer. It was the hardest on me and now I've lost Jaylen to some slut.

Presley was the same age as Elliot and they were friends. When Elliot left so did Presley and I never saw either of them again.

Hell I've lost my brothers, my mom, my dad, and friends, now what? At least I have Michael, Calum, and Ashton to stay by my side.

After I left Peter's house I finally had a chance to check my phone. As soon as I looked at it I sighed. I'm so dead. I never told them where I was going and after being kidnapped they've been extra careful with letting me go anywhere.

Calvin The Asian One:

Cal: Carter where are you

Cal: Carter




Mikeyyy: CARTER

Mikeyyy: Carter I'm worried.

Mikeyyy: Have fun wherever you are


Lucifer: Carter you okay?

I'm never going to be able to go anywhere ever again and it's my fault. I'm so stupid. I should have told them where I was going.

I unlock my phone and dial Mikey's number from memory.

"Oh God, Carter." Mikey's voice says with a sigh of relief.

"Mikey, I'm so sorry. I went over to a friends house to talk and it was really late so I slept over and I didn't tell you and you're never going to let me go out ever again and I know that after I got kidnapped you guys have been more cautious about me so you probably thought that I got kidnapped but I sorta kinda love you guys I just don't want you guys to leave me again because after you did I had abandonment issues and I was depressed and I stopped having an appetite so I got really skinny and had to go to a therapist and it was the worst thing ever so I skipped going to the therapist and just forced myself to eat it was horrible but I started eating again and I'm really sorry for not telling you guys where I was going so sorry." I rambled hyperventilating.

"Woah woah woah. Um. I'm glad you got to see your friend, I'm glad you're okay, we were all worried about you, and we need to talk about the depressing stuff later." Mikey said overwhelmed.

Then I realized.


I had just told him everything.

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