Chapter 5. "We gotta go right now!!"

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Sophia's POV:

"Sophie, Sophie, Sophie.."

I feel my body being shaken awake, I open my eyes and stretch out my arms to see Shawn sitting on my bed

"Oh hey Shawn, what's good." I say smiling, "Nothing just everyone went for dinner and you were knocked out so I bought us a pizza and some drin-" He starts off but I quickly cut him off by jumping up out of the bed and running over to the beauty table to grab the pizza and the drinks

"Shawn if the girls came in here and saw that pizza on the table, they'd kill you in your sleep." I tell him making us both chuckle

I grab a slice of pizza while moving around trying to getting comfy, I watch as Shawn smiles at his phone

"Soooo how's the lucky girl?" I question him, "How'd you know?" He looks up so quickly, "Shawn, I'm your best friend and plus I'm not blind?" I respond rolling my eyes at him

"Well it's just this girl Brianna she's coming on tour with me but we're just best friends like you're my number one but she's just so perfect and I want her to be mine so badly." He rambles to me, "Clearly you're head over heels for this girl."

After 40 minutes of random conversation, laughing, and snapchat stories, Shawn had to go FaceTime his girl

I just smile at him while he walks out but all I'm thinking is how excited I am to go explore this hotel, I keep on the leggings I was wearing before but all I'm doing is grabbing one of Sam's sweaters I packed. I put it on with a jean jacket and slip on my uggs, yes don't judge me they're comfy.

I head straight to the elevator and click the highest floor which I pray leads me to a roof

After 10 minutes or so I find myself at a door, I push open the door and walk out a bit until I see a figure and turn around to leave as quick as possible until I hear the figure call out my name

"Soph?" I hear Jack yell, I roll my eyes and walk over to him. I lean on the ledge with my arms resting on the ledge while I look over the beautiful city of Vancouver which is truly freezing

"What are you doing up here?" Jack asks me, "What are you doing up here?" I repeat his question back to him raising an eyebrow. "Well I came here to think, now tell me why you came here." He replies, "Oh well you know I came up here to throw myself off of this building." I fake smile at him making him chuckle

"I just actually hoping to take some picture but whatever." I reply honestly looking at the skyline

"So how happy were the guys when they saw you?" He questions me smiling, "Well Cameron asked if I've been doing squats." I giggle while shaking my head

After an hour of talking "We gotta go right now!!!" I say excitingly scaring Jack "Holyyyy, why right now?" He asks concerned "Because I'm tired right now so if we go back I'll fall asleep and I won't stay up until like 4 in the morning." I tell him as if he should know that by now "Are you sure you wanna go now Soph?" He raises an eyebrow smirking "Yeah why wouldn't I?" I question him, "Come on we both know you're gonna be all tired and you're gonna get into bed and the minute you close your eyes BOOM you'll be wide awake!" He teases

I roll my eyes at him partly because I know he's right and the other half of me just wants to get back at him for being rude today

"Let's go G right now!" I yell at him trying to pull him, "Okay okay, I walk faster than you Ms. I have baby legs." He retorts jokingly, I scoff at him and start running towards the elevator trying to leave without him but unfortunately he's right again about the baby legs

We finally get to our doors and as I'm about to walk in I turn to say "goodnight love you G" little does he know I actually mean I'm in love with him, I hear him reply "Love you too ugly"

I quickly take my jean jacket off and exchange my leggings for my black spandex shorts, I brush my teeth quickly and get into bed of coarse all the other girls are already knocked out trying to get some beauty sleep for their show tomorrow

I lay in bed all tired and shut my eyes.

Gilinskys POV:

*bzzz bzzz*

I hear my phone vibrate while I'm finally getting into bed with my beautiful girlfriend


I hate to say this but you were right smh

I just chuckle at my phone and quickly reply back

To: Soph🙄💖

When am I not, now go to sleep stupid

I put my phone down on the table then rolling over and dropping an arm around Madison pulling her closer into me

Mmmm why was I having second thoughts about this girl, so what if my friends aren't the biggest fan of her and she can be a little immature or rude she's still wonderful to me


A/N: I know this is such a random update but your girls backkkkkk and yes I know this was super short but trust me I'll try my hardest to make the next chapter long and as interesting!! -K💖


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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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