Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Levy!" I hear Agent Owen yelling through the hall

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"Levy!" I hear Agent Owen yelling through the hall

I was currently in my office overlooking the mission we failed last week, due to someone being very loud in my ear.

I knew he was coming in here I just wanted to see how long he would keep screaming my name. People hate it when he does that and so do I but he keeps doing it even when I threaten him.


Seriously just stop!

"Levy, can't you hear me calling you?" He says with a smile entering my office

"Nooo!" I say sarcastically

"What you looking at?"

"Why are you in here?" I question

"Agent Wes asked to see you in his office"

I roll my eyes. "Doesn't he know that I've been ignoring him this week?"

"Yes, that's why he called for you. Now get up and go!" He says snatching the file out of my hand and pulling me up from my seat.

"Hey! Okay cool it I'm wearing heels."

He looks down at my feet. "Since when do you ever wear heels?"

"Since today" I say laughing


"You rang." I say entering Agent Wes' office and sitting down in his really comfy sofa in the corner.

"Yes, we need to discuss the mission last week." He says looking worried

"No we don't"

"You almost got yourself killed Levy!"

"I almost get myself killed on every mission I go on!" I say to him

He sighs and rubs his hands in his face.

"You stress me out, you know that?"

"Yeah I know" I get up from the sofa and sit in the chair infront of his desk.

"You've gotta be more careful Levy." He says to me

"I know!, I just like to make things a challenge"

"Yeah well here" he slides me a file and once again on the front it says Confidential.

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