Chapter 23

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I rocked back and forth sitting on the floor with Loki still in my arms. He kept his eyes open looking up at me. I can’t believe they did this to them.

“Where is Thor?” I asked.

“Probably taking his time, he no longer cares for me anymore.” Loki said.

“Ssh, don’t say things like that, he loves you.” I said.

“Not as much as he loves you.” he said.

“Stop. Thor may love me more than a sister, but he will never have me. My heart will always belong to you.” I said. He smiled.

“I’m sorry Lily, for everything I did that had hurt you. I should have never lied to you all those times when you were nothing but truthful to me.” he said.

“It’s okay.”

“How’s Lidiya?” he asked.

“Fine. She’s probably sleeping.”

“What I would do to be able to see her now, have her in my arms. See those little green eyes identical to mine look up to me. But I probably won’t have a chance to.” Loki said and I could see his eyes start to water.

“Why would you say something like that?”

“It is part of my punishment. Not will I just be in this cell I am forbidden to see her, and now you since Thor has probably talking to father right now instead of being on his way to the hospital.”

“Then I’ll heal you myself.” I said.

“No. Lily you may have the power to heal but it could affect you, especially with the wound I have. You could get sick, go into a coma or worse dead. I’ll die before I let anything happen to you.” he said grabbing my hand.

“So would I.”I said squeezing his hand.

He picked up my hand and kissed it. The door opened again and Thor came out with his father behind him, his mother, and my father with Lidiya in his arms. My father sent me a disappointed look.

“Lily, come out of there.” Thor said.

“No, I’m not.” I said.

“Lilyana I am not going to fight with you, come out.” he said.

“NO! I don’t want to leave him. Is it true you’re not going to let him see me or his daughter?” I asked.


“I can’t believe you people. He’s supposed to be your son. And father don’t look at me like that!” I said.

“We had to do what’s best for Lidiya. And you.” my father said

“By keeping the man I love away, keeping him away from the people that actually love him!”

“We love our son.” Odin said.

“You have a weird way of showing it.”

“Lilyana enough of this! Come out now!” Thor said.

“No, I’m not letting you take her away from me.” Loki said. He got wrapped his arms around me. We heard the door open and I felt hands on my shoulders.

“NO! LET ME GO STOP!” I said as guard tried to pull me out of Loki’s arms.

Loki’s grip around my waist loosened and I was up on my feet the guard dragging me towards the door.

“LOKI!”I screamed. I got up with all his strength and went up to the guard and grabbed my arms when the guard punched Loki in the face sending him back on the ground.

“NO!”I yelled.

The guard got me out of the cell as another guard looked it just as Loki got back up again. He started to bang on the glass.

“NO!STOP DON’T TAKE HER FROM ME!” Loki yelled as the guard took me out the door.



LokiP.O.V. (YEAH!!!!!!!!)

“Where are you taking her?” I asked Odin.

“TELL ME!”I yelled banging on the cell.

“She will be sent to Jouthiem.”Odin said.

“Wait-what?” her father asked.

“No.” I said.

“You can’t just send her back there, she’s my daughter I raised her! We don’t know what they’ll do to her there!” her father said.

“It’s is the only way.” Odin said.

“You mean the only way to keep us apart! She doesn’t belong there with them even if she is their kind! Send me there instead.” I said.

“No, It is already decided.”

“What about Lidiya?”Liyana’s father asked.

“She will be sent to Migard.”

“WHAT!” Me and Lily’s father said at the same time.

“You’re not going to take my granddaughter too!” he said.

“It is not your decision, Thor.” Odin said. I looked at Thor as he took Lidiya out of lily’s father’s arms.

“No give her back!” he said. He went up to Thor but a guard holds him back.

“Get her ready before you take her and Lilyana to Heimdall.”Odin said.

“Thor please.” I pleaded. He looked up at me and down at Lidiya. She had her eyes open and she was looking at me. She lifted her arm out of her blanket towards me.

“I am sorry.” Thor said before turning around and Lidiya started to cry.

“NO! THOR PLEASE SHE’S MY DAUGHTER! YOU CANT TAKE HER FROM ME!PLEASE BRING THEM BACK!”I yelled banging on the glass again and some of it cracked but he ignored me.


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