An action packed game...

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 Guys, in this chapter its contains self harm, and so if they may be a trigger to anyone then please just skip ahead and ill try and recap or something in the next one,, TBH its isnt that bad but i do not want to upset anyone.. thank you xxx

3rd Person:

The ball drops to the floor and Stiles is the first one to get the ball. He looks around frantically to find someone to toss the ball to, as he turns round he is rewarded with a smack to his right shoulder causing him to fall to the floor and yelp in pain.

Danny smirks and trots over to Jackson... "Well done Danny-boy."

He pulls himself off the dirt, tears trying to fall but he held them back.   You could see Derek cringe  at the hit, as if he could feel the brute force of it himself.   The audience could see this too and so echoes of 'OOO's and 'ARRRR's ran through the air from each hit that he took and Stiles each time yelling and screaming more and more, finally letting the tears fall.

Noone could see this, because of his helmet... But i could hear it... His soft sobs, whispers for Jackson to stop.

- Last 30 seconds of the match-

Derek's POV:

The last 30 seconds, the ball, once again lands just yards away from Stiles... He looks around clearly hesitant to get it this time. He limps forwards, deciding to try again...      Across the field I can see Jackson starting to run towards Stiles...    "STILES!"- I yelled as loud as I could possible muster myself to... His red, puffy eyes looked up and met mine - "LOOK RIGHT! LOOK RIGHT!..." I was practically screaming at him now waving my arms about to Jacksons direction.. He looks right to see Jackson, and in return gets smacked right across the jaw with Jackson's lacrosse stick! "Son of a Bitch!"

Finally the match has finished , everyone around me is running down onto the field and congratulating all of the team. I too run down, frantically looking around for Stiles, but he isn't anywhere to be seen.

Stiles' POV:

I can't take this anymore! The whole match was a fucking set up! As if I couldn't fucking see it! I'm so fucking STUPID!!!

I can't breathe.. my chest feels like its being crushed.. AM I HAVING A PANICK ATTACK RIGHT NOW!?! NO, I can't be. I haven't had them since my mum died and that been over a year now.  "SC..ARRG..*cough*!" I'm shaking trying to call Scott, but even his wolf hearing wouldn't be enough to pick up the gasps of air taking place instead of my words.

The pain is getting worse. I can't take this anymore... It feels like my chest is being torn apart, piece by piece.  "S-c-c-c-c!" Trying but once again failing to shout my best friend to help me.

I fumble into the showers, turn one on and collapse underneath the ice cold waterfall, still in my lacrosse gear.  I lift my head up and a shiny glimpse of light catches my eye on the other side of the showers and on the floor i see a rather small blade, im not sure how it got there. 'Now our pain will go away Stiles.. go on, get it, you know you want to.!' The voice inside my head is telling me to get it, its telling the truth though, if i use it then all my pain will just disappear. I crawl up to it, shaking, pick it up and take it back underneath the shower where i was before, craddeling myself in the corner once more trying to calm down. Tears streaming down my face. I can't stop shaking.

I look down once more at the blade in my hand... lifting it higher... Making its way across to my other wrist...

Im blinking, trying to clear my vision to get a clean cut, when whats the point if i'm gonna die anyway?..


"I'm such a dissapointment to everyone."


"Everything Jackson says is all true."

I'm about to make the third and final cut when all of a sudden the blade is thrown from my hand, skidding and coming to a hault a few yards in front of me.

Derek's POV:

Iv'e just caught a hold of Stiles' scent...  And for some unknown reason, it leads to the changing rooms. I listen in and i can hear him in there on his own.... Crying?

I rush in to ask him if he's ok... Stupid to even ask. After a beating like that who would be ok?!  He's clearly not gonna be fine is he....?... 'STUPID!'

At that moment i walk in to see Stiles sat on the floor, rocking backwards and forwards like a mental person, muttering to himself underneath a shower, which i can feel if FREEZING, even by standing over here...

...he's.. wait, what is he doing?!?


"STILES, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" I run over to him and knock a small blade from his hand...     

"What are you doing! Just let me die!" He's yelling at me, crying at the same time, reaching out infront of him to get the blade again.

"NO, STOP, you don't know what you're doing Stiles." - I kick the blade again causing it to fall down a drain, preventing him to get it again, and drop to my knees to pull him towards me and stop him from moving again.     "LET ME GO!" He's yelling more now, trying to wiggle and punch his way out of my grasp.

"Stiles, please, shh, shh, stop, calm down... im here, just, breathe Stiles, breathe" I must sound so pathetic. I can practically here my self whining, almost on the verge of crying myself. And to be honest i don't care.            

I don't know whats happening to me.?!   i couldn't let him go even if i wanted to. It's like my inner wolf is trying to claw it's self out of me and control me, 'you need to help him!'

Stiles curls ino my chest and fights for mouthfuls of air, nuzzeling his face into my neck, trying to calm down... I wrap my arms around him as if i was expeting someone to come and take him away from me.  

After 5 minutes of being sat like this i can feel his heartbeat relax against my chest.  It sounds so peaceful and fragile now.     I realise that the team would be coming back soon, to get changed, so i nudge Stiles in attempt to get him up.

"Stiles?" I get no response.

"Stiles?..." I try once more and this time try shaking him by the shoulder...

Sterek xxxxWhere stories live. Discover now