Chapter 24: A Small Victory Will Not Do Us Much Now

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  A few guards walked in and moved Malik out of the way and grabbed me. I tried to break free but their grip was strong. I was still hurt from the wounds I had gotten. The guards walked out of the cell and stopped me in front of Swami. He smiled at me and then moved closer to me.

“Good to see you too.” he whispered

  Shivers went down my spine as the guards took me away. I could hear Malik banging on the cell door. I heard him scream and yell but Swami just laughed at him. They took me down a long hallway and then into a small study. All that was in here was a table, paper and a feather in an ink pot. The guards dropped me from their grasp. I was lucky I landed on my own two feet and not fall on the floor. I could barely stand from the pain running up and down my legs. I looked around. Swami came up behind me.

“You are writing a letter to Altaïr saying that everything is fine. Got it?”

  I nodded my head and walked over to the table. I sat down and turned around. Swami was there and I had a feeling I would not be able to leave until it was done and I could not write to Altaïr the truth. I turned back around and grabbed the feather from the ink pot. I held it in my hands before I started to write my letter. Swami started walking towards me and started to look over my shoulder to see what I was writing.

“Do not try to pull anything.”

  I nodded my head and continued to write. I had to tell my father about what happened. I knew how I was going to tell him. I started to write again. When I finished, I looked over my letter one more time.

Sef and I are fine. We are still out here in Masyaf. I decided to go and visit a few friends out in Acre and then headed to go see Malik in Jerusalem. He is doing well. I stayed with him a few days before leaving to head back to Masyaf.

Say bonjour to Maria and Darim for me s’il vous plaît. Until next time.


  Swami read over the letter and smiled. He looked like he approved of the letter and walked out. Once he walked out two guards came in the room. They grabbed both of my arms and walked me back to my cell. Malik was in the corner with his head down. Once the door opened he looked over to me. Happy to see I was not hurt any more than I already was. He ran over to me and grabbed me from the guards. They closed the cell door behind us. Malik set me down against the wall.

“Did he do anything to you?” Malik asked on the verge of panicking

“No, he just wanted me to write a letter to Altaïr. They did not want him to get suspicious or anything.”

“What did you write to him? I hope you told him about what has been happening.”

“I could not. Swami was over my shoulder the time.”

  I hugged Malik and whispered in his ear, “I sent him a secret message within the letter. Swami never noticed. Hopefully father will get the message.”

  Malik smiled at me as he let go of me. He looked at me and I was starting to feel better just knowing that I could send these things in secret without them knowing. Swami was really a weak-minded. I smiled back to him and he hugged me again. This time, it was for a small victory. We had sent a message to Altaïr without them finding out. Well, I sent him a message but I was doing on behalf of the both of us.

“What did you say?” Malik whispered

“Sef died and need help.” I whispered back in reply

“Good. That should be a big enough hint for him to figure out what is going on.” he whispered

  He let go of me, “He is a smart man. He should and if not, he will eventually. I know that he will read my letter over and over again until he cracks the code.”

  We both looked out the cell door to make sure no one bad heard us. Malik sat down beside me. He put his arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I tried to keep them open. My eye lids got heavier and heavier with every second that went by. Malik rested his head on mine. I was instantly wrapped in security, hope and love. That was all I needed to get back to my goal.

“It is nice to see that brightness in your eyes again Harees.”


Well, that was interesting. Hey, at least it ended on a good note!

Anyway, I'm in Florida! Yay! I'm missing two weeks of school! Yay and nay.

Haha, anyway, I will still be posting while I'm on vacation 'cause I'm awesome.

I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Vote and leave a comment it you like! That would be cool. Just saying'.


Every Assassin Has Their Secrets   *CompletedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt