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    I follow closely behind Calum as we scan the green Forest for a sign of shelter. It hasn't been long since we left the others, in fact, I might be able to see them if I look closely enough. However, it seems that our hopes of getting away from the night might be failing.

"Shhh," Calum hushes, raising his machete in front of his body.

"Arrrrrrhhhh" a walker appears a few paces ahead of us, stumbling through the fallen leaves.

"So annoying," Calum utters under his breath as he stabs it through the eye.

      He looks back at me for a split second, probably checking if I'm still there since I haven't said a word. Like I've said before, silence is sort of my thing.

    We both continue forward, making sure to keep straight since we don't want to risk getting lost. I look down at my muddy converse, seeing that a small rip has formed on the side of my right foot. It might be a good Idea to find some new shoes...

"Do you hear that?" Calum asks. I listen carefully, picking up a familiar sound.

"Water?" I reply, Calum nodding rapidly in response.

    My eyes brighten at the sight of a river flowing through the woods, disappearing way down the line. This is excellent, we needed fresh water! I kneel down beside it, splashing my face and then filling up my remaining water bottles.

"Look!" Calum exclaims, pointing his finger at a small building on the opposite side.

"Thank the heavens," I smile, eying the what looks to be a vacant shed, "that should do for tonight."

"Is there a way to get across? We should check it out quickly," Calum suggests, filling up his water bottles as well.

"It looks like someone threw in some rocks as a way to get across," I point out, looking at some flat stones that lead to the other side.

      I quickly pick my bag off the ground, putting it across my back along with my bow and arrows. Hopefully this shed isn't holding a bunch of walkers, or even humans. I'd hate to have to go into battle with another group...

"Wait!" Calum calls out, grabbing my arm to stop me from jumping to the first rock, "it could be slippery,"

      My eyes look down to his hand on my skin, and then back to his face. The thought of me being remotely attracted to him hadn't popped into my mind until now, but I mean, he is quite attractive...

Kiko what the fück.

"I know that!" I snap, pulling away from his grasp. There isn't time for those types of thoughts during an apocalypse.

      He looks at me, his face that used to be filled with worry now hardening. Looks like he's not the only one who can put on a strong front - I do that all the time.

     I carefully hop onto the first rock, followed by the second, then third, then forth, then fifth, and lastly the sixth, making the last jump onto the other side of the river. Calum hops onto land almost right after me, leading the way to the shed.

    He holds his machete in his right hand as he prepares to open the shed's door, while I raise my bow at the entrance. We are completely prepared for anything that comes at us.

"Three, two, one," Calum whispers before ripping the door open.

    Surprisingly, nothing decides to pop out on us. Calum then checks the inside, I peeking in to see the small shed completely empty. This is almost too good to be true.

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