Chapter 26

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After the horrendous date we head back home and meet the boys for a hangout night. I glance at my phone and it's only 5:00 in the afternoon. I'm in Liam and I's living room watching the Telly with Liam. I log into twitter and realize I haven't been on any social media accept for checking my feed on instagram. I have a lot of tweets that I'm tagged in from Brooke. Oh my freaking God. I haven't even thought about Brooke. I check my messages and sure enough 30 unread messages from her alone. I jump up and am already dialing her number, then sprint to the kitchen.

1 ring

2 ring

"Hello? Addy? are you okay?" I take a deep breath before answering.

"Yes. I'm so so so sorry. I was just tired of all the shit in my life and I left."


"I said I'm sorry okay. You don't understand."

"HELL YEAH I DO." I can't help but giggle at her anger voice. "you can shut the fuck up." she gives up her act.

"Do you want to get together tonight. I have a lot to talk about."

"Umm sure. Where is it you went off too?"

"Umm about 2 hours away I will text you the address."i pause. "And don't freak out when you get here."

"Umm why would I freak out?"

"Just don't please I will explain when you get here."

"Okay. I'm going to go ahead and leave. Text me your address."

"Okay bye love you." I make a smoochy noise.

Someone comes up behind and picks me up. I start squirming not enjoying my position at all.

"Please put me down." I try to stay calm but that's kinda hard considering I have no clue who picked me up.

"Oh sorry. I forgot." I hear Harry's thick and raspy voice from behind me.

I let out a breath but my heart is still racing. "Who were you talking to?"

"Umm Brooke. She is my friend and she is coming over tonight."

"Ohh okay. Should Liam come over to ours tonight or are we aloud to meet her?"

"Yeah but let her come here first and let me explain." he nods and kisses me hungrily on the lips. I smile because

He has never kissed me like this before. It was so passionate and I could tell he not only wanted this kiss, he needed it. I had never kissed someone before with so much passion but with so much meaning behind it as well. He pulls away.

"Do you love me?" he asks so innocently and I can tell he needs to here it.

"I love you." He pecks me on the nose after returning the I love you and leaves me breathless in the kitchen.

Liam walks in grabbing something out of the fridge then seats himself at the bar.

"I have a question." I state.

"Shoot." he says munching on a cold sandwich.

"You guys havnt told... umm people about.." I stumble not really knowing myself what I wanted to ask.

"No. We wouldn't want to put you in that position." he answers obviously catching on to what I wanted to say.

"Ohh. What would happen then."

I really don't get out much.

"Well probably hate, possible death threats," I gasp. "EMPTY threats, and probably just that. It will get better though. But I don't think any of us want to make it public yet. We have had a lot going on in the public and they will just end up asking more questions than they should." He smiles reassuringly and I nod.

I walk to Harry and Louis' flat were the boys are hanging out. Brooke would be here in about ten minutes. I had just got done talking to her.

"Okay so I'm assuming you guys are just going to stay here." They all shake there heads. "Why do you guys want to meet her?" I probably sounded rude but I'll get over it.

"Umm because she is your friend and we are your friends?" Louis asks confused. I nod confused like him.

"Well don't be flirty. She has A boyfriend and none of you guys are aloud to go out with her." They nod.

I walk back to the my room awaiting her arrival...

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