The Sum Of His Parts

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A/N: Transformers Human/Cyborg AU.The bots are slightly aged up compared to my usual ages Enjoy~<3 Oh, there's a swear in here. In case that offends you I'm sorry.

Rafael tensed in his seat at the sound of the principal's office door opening and closing softly. Looking up he saw Bumblebee's well built form coming in an sitting down next to him.

Rafael glanced at the principal and saw her judgmental gaze raking over his surrogate brother's body. He noticed her jaw tense and eyes turn cold at the sight of his cybernetic parts.

"Mrs. Hardeass? Would you please explain why I was called here today?" Bumblebee asked hotly. He was obviously not a fan of the woman for some reason.

"Yes, of course. I see your kind are straight to the point." She began, her tone giving away her distasteful thoughts. "Rafael here was caught fighting this afternoon during lunch hour."

Bumblebee seemed to be waiting for her to continue. When she didn't, he simply raised a brow at her.

"Who was he fighting?" He finally asked impatiently. She gave him a annoyed look but reluctantly answered.

"A student named Vince. I'm sure you are not aware of-" the brunette was harshly interrupted by the blonde cyborg standing up and slamming his hands on her desk.

"You called me in here, told Rafael he was in trouble and made his whole family concerned, only to tell me he was standing up to a bully who we have reported multiple times to have harassed him? Are you kidding me?" He stated with absolute cold calmness in his voice. The principal sputtered not sure how to respond.

"Please, please, tell me you're kidding." At the remark, the woman seemed to come out of her momentary stupor. She glared at the twenty year old.

"I am not kidding, Mr.Esquivel. Violence of any kind is not permitted at this school." Bumblebee felt his temper rising as she continued to speak in her usal condescending tone.

"Okay, then Vince must have been suspended multiple times, correct?" Bumblebee snapped. "For all the times He's come home with scratches, bruises and cuts?" Raf felt his guardian put a hand on his shoulder as he spoke. Raf knew Bumblebee was very upset by the way he kept tightening his hold on Raf's shoulder protectively.

"What the children do outside of school, is none of our concern." The principal's green eyes narrowed. "No, Vince has not been suspended."

Bumblebee calmly stood and turned towards Raf gesturing to the door. The boy nodded and got up without a word.

"Ehem? Where do you think your going?" Mrs.Hardeass asked angrily "We, are not done here!"

"Oh, yes we are" was all Bumblebee said as he opened the door for his charge and guided him out.

Just as he was about to slam the door closed, he poked his head back through. He was smirking viciously at the woman when he spoke.

"Now I see why they call you Mrs.Hard-Ass!"

With that said, he slammed the door shut violently. Leaving a pissed off, angry, flustered and annoyed principal in his wake.

Raf was homeschooled by Ratchet and June and a tutor from the school board. They didn't have to deal with the rude principal ever again.

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