He was looking out through the schools door and even though he couldn't see me trough the tinted glass in my car, he quickly walked away when he saw my car take off.

When I got home, I greeted the maid with a nod and then ran up the stairs and walked into my room, slamming the door shut behind me.

I threw myself at the bed and turned on my laptop.

Netflix, here I come.

Oh wait, I should probably introduce myself first.

If you haven't figured yet, my name is Aaron. Full name Aaron, Lilith Parker. And yes, I know Aaron is a boys name.

I'm seventeen years old and I'm pretty tall, around 5'9 and kinda skinny to be honest. I have average sized boobs and a small but nicely shaped butt.

My hair is a boring brown color, I'm lucky to have rather curly hair though, It's down to my waist.

I have blue/grey eyes, they're kind of dark to be blue and not that eye catching. I'm pretty tan and I have an annoying set of freckles too that cover my nose and cheeks. They really damage my otherwise badass complexion and I always curse my genetics for them.

What have I missed... Well which you've probably already guessed, I'm a little bit of a troublemaker, a "bad girl" if you must categorize me.

Well in books you normally see two kinds of bad girls and bad boys.

The first type is the popular one with a lot of friends and she or he is also known to be a real whore.

The second type is the mysterious loner, the opposites to the popular kind but just as bad. He or she usually turns out to be a virgin...?

And I guess I'm something in between that, I have friends... Only a pair of close ones though, everyone knows who I am, so I guess that makes me kinda popular. I'm not a complete hoe, but I have some fb's so... Yeah. Actually, I take that back, I am a complete hoe, the number of people I've slept with is bigger than the amount of hairs I have on my head. But I feel like someone who's a 'hoe' sleeps with people because they like the attention. I sleep with people, simply because I like to have sex.

I guess that sums up me pretty well to be honest...



The next morning passed by as usual, I got up, took a shower, got dressed and grabbed a sandwich before leaving our house.

I then got into my car and drove it to school, I walked into the lesson 5 minutes late and I immediately felt everyone's eyes at me.

"You're late again Miss. Parker" My teacher stated as I slid down in a chair.

"Nothing new then" I replied with a wink and my teacher sighed.

Mr. Yves was one of the nicer teachers we had, but he was still kind of annoying.

"And as I just began to tell you when I was interrupted..." He locked eyes with me and I shrugged nonchalantly, throwing my feet over the person in front of me's chair.

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