Recurring Nightmares

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Holy. Shit. Being back from the tour is actually a relief!

These fucking psycho women are already going crazy over Cobain here. But let's be real. Can you blame them....?

Tracy had to work another night shift, so I decided to stay with Kurt while she did, mainly because she told me that he's been having all these crazy dreams about people killing him.

And sometimes he'll wake up crying, scaring her half to death. I remember when we were little, sometimes when he'd sleep over he'd have nightmares or just random dreams. But usually he'd just shake them off and pretend nothing was wrong.

Even though I'd panic because I'd be awoken by the sound of his whimpering. Which fucking broke my heart. When he makes sounds like that, I can't even handle it.

So here I lay, looking at the peacefully sleeping face of Mr. Cobain here, softly smiling as I poked his little nose, his fidgeting arm landing on my waist as I gasped slightly, before a little laugh escaped my lips from his cold fingers resting on my bare leg.

Kurt is literally the only fucking guy in the world that i feel so comfortable with, that I could walk around naked and feel okay.

Of course, he'd think i'd gone crazy or something. But then again, he might just join me. Who knows with his moods right?

Suddenly, his face tensed up as a little scream left his mouth, making me jump as his hand gripped onto my leg, my hands softly bringing his head up as he jerked awake, his eyes wide open as tears slowly fell down his face, the look on his face making me start to cry as well.

I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could, he pulled me closer to him, wrapping my leg around him as his lips suddenly landed on mine and my eyes went super fucking wide.

Oh fuck.... Oh fuck. Oh fuck!

His hands tangled in my hair, taking me by surprise as the pure need in the kiss shook me, not understanding what was going on.

Is he still slightly asleep and mistaking me for Tracy?

All I know is that with him kissing me, it's making it hard for me to pull away from it. Kurt is my weakness. My one weakness. He doesn't truly know this. But he is.

Suddenly, he jerked me up on top of him as his fingers stayed tangled in my hair, pulling my head down once more as a little gasp left my mouth, making it super damn hard not to moan.

But I pulled back slightly as I looked down into Kurt's blue eyes, sending him a watery eyed look as his breathing was ragged.

"Kurt...? What's wrong? What happened in your sleep?"

He sighed a little as he softly gripped my waist slightly, lifting himself up with his arms wrapping around my waist, having me sitting with my legs wrapped around him, a look flashing through his eyes.

"I... I was being chased. By random people with knives and guns. They wanted to kill me. But then.... I saw you Bean. But they got you.... And then I woke up and saw you and grabbed you and..."

I softly put a finger to his mouth, sending him a little comforting look as he took in a deep breath, my hand gently moving to his hair to stroke it, softly.

"I promise KC. I'm okay. You're okay. We're okay. I won't let those bad guys get my Kurt..."

His head softly laid on my chest as I hugged him to me, my head resting gently on his soft head, rubbing his back.

For the past few days, Kurt hasn't exactly been himself. I've been super fucking worried about him.

But when am I not....?

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