Chapter One

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My name is Elinor Winchester. I am 20 yrs old and I live with my two brothers, their names are Sam and Dean, Dean's the oldest but the shortest brother and then there's Sam, he's the youngest but the tallest (he's like 6'7 or some shit!). I also have a Scottish accent because my mom was Scottish.

I am a hunter. No not an animal hunter. A supernatural hunter. I fight demons, vamps, literally anything supernatural.
I also never new my mother.

Right now a zombie apocalypse is happening. It started about 3/4 days ago. It's fun, killing the zombies but it's scary at the same time. I've always wanted a zombie apocalypse to happen. I know it's stupid but it seemed exciting to me.

I just finished packing and I head to the car. My brothers were in the car already. I see that Bobby and Cas are in the car too.
Great, stuck in a car with 4 grown men.

'Dean, Sam a little help.' I grunt.
'Dean we should help Elinor.' Sam says.
'Nah, she's Fine.' Dean says smirking like a bitch.
'I'll help.' Cas says.
'Thanks Cas.' I say.
'No problem.' Cas replied. I smile.
After that was done. We left our home for good.

"Baby" was leading us to the outer parts of Georgia. So the walkers (zombies) don't get to us.

Dean, Sam, Cas, Bobby and I hear a car.

.Love y'all. Sorry about the short chapters. I like writing short chapters.
samxcas 🙊🙈😊

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