Tristian's shoulders dropped slightly and he nodded. I walked ahead of him and he followed. I opened the top cabinet where I hid all the candies and cookies from Drakon and pulled it out. I set it out on the counter and pointed at the kettle.

"Would you like some tea?" I asked.

Tristian took his seat and shook his head, mask directed towards the screen door. I tucked my hair behind my ear and sat down next to him.

We were silence for a while, none of us touching the cookies or chocolate. I knew it was silly to offer him food and drinks, but I couldn't help it.

"Every single time there's a guest in your house, offer food and drinks." My mama would say when I stood by the side as guests arrived for whatever reason. She would pull me to the kitchen and start getting everything ready. "It's a way to show that you 'care' about 'em, and when you kill and getting ready to eat 'em, they at least have something in their system, no?"

My mama always had that dark sense of humor. It was one of the reasons my step-papa loved my mama. With my step-papa's sarcasm and my mama's humor, they got along perfectly. When they argued, they laid all their cards on the table and it was why they never stayed mad at each other for more than a few hours.

They couldn't live without each other.

I lightly smiled at my memories and didn't notice Tristian was burning holes into the side of my face until I shook myself away from them. My smile melted into a frown when I saw my wedding ring. I twirled it around my finger and slipped it off.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek and ran my tongue over my lips. I put the ring back on and laid my hands flat on the counter.

"If..." I paused and turned to look at him. "Okay, let's say you're married and everything was great between you and her. But suddenly, your wife... changes."

"Changes how?" He asked, intrigued as he shifted his body to face me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "She comes home late from work. She, uh... doesn't return your calls or messages, not even when you were about to be killed by a homeless girl. Her behavior—"

Tristian sat up, alarmed as he looked from me to the screen door. "Is that what happened to your door?"

I forced a smile. "I'm fine. Nothing happened."

"What do you mean nothing happened? She just came in to break your door and left?" He asked, his body growing tense.

"No, she was just ill and tried to rob me, but I wasn't hurt. I managed to get out." I explained, turning completely in my seat to face him.

Tristian fell silent and stared at the door. He lowered his head and cleared his throat. "Did s-she anything to you?"

I titled my head, confused by his question. "She told me she was hungry and asked for spare change or food. She also asked if she could use the bathroom, so I let her in."

"Nothing else?"

"She said she wanted everything."

Tristian's hand shook and he got up from his seat, storming out. I called out his name and ran after him. I grabbed his shoulder and got in front of him right when he was about to enter in the woods.

"Tristian, what's wrong?" I asked, lowering my hand.

He shook his head and tried to go around me, but I quickly got in his path again.

"Tristian, talk to me. You're freaking me out." I said.

His fist curled into fists and it appeared his eyes locked with mine. "If I'm such a freak to you, you should probably befriend normal people."

The Mask Man In The WoodsWhere stories live. Discover now