|| HELL ||

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All Time Low played through my headphones as my dad drove me to this new school, passing through the sights I was still nervous, I still wanted to go home but Sydney was kind of beautiful, watching kids pass in the same uniform I were in, it was strange to be somewhere different, in a new outfit and forget I'm not seeing any of my friends, the only way I could keep in contact with them was through social media as texts and calls to Australia were expensive from the UK. 

When we finally got into the car park and I got out the car, my bag slung over my shoulder, I stared at the big white building in front of me, people passed me and I knew today would either be great or the worst day of my life, and frankly, I didn't want either. 

I sighed as my dad came and stood next to me in hopes he'd realize he was making a mistake and we'd go back to the house and pack up and go home, unfortunately that didn't happen.

"ready kiddo?" he asked 
"no" I replied with my teenage angst

Walking through the hallways everyone had their groups, I was months late, everyone knew everyone and I knew no-one, I was alone and I knew I was going to be alone, walking down to find the registry office I was bumped into by two boys, looking up from the floor I saw one of them smile and apologize whilst the other just stared at me, being helped up by one of the boys I felt like an idiot even though it was the boys fault

"Ashton" the boy who helped me up said with his hand still holding mine
"That's Michael" he said gesturing towards the other boy who had still yet to say hello.

Michael was cute, in a dorky way, Ashton was 100% not my type but boy did he have a great jawline

"I'm  Madison" I said with a smile
"New here?" Michael finally piped up

I just nodded, I wasn't sure what to say

"we'll feel free to come find us at lunch, you can sit with us!" Ashton said 
"are you sure? I don't want to be a bother" I responded making Ashton giggle 
"not at all!, it can be scary being the new kid, well we gotta go to make class but was nice to meet you Madison!" Ashton responded. 

Somehow maybe today wouldn't be so bad? 

When dad and I finally got to the registry office I was smiling at the thought I may of made a couple of new friends, looking at the woman behind the desk chewing bubble gum and blowing the odd bubble, I knew she wouldn't pay attention, making a fake cough happen so she'd actually pay attention didn't work.

"Madison Lee" I said and she handed me some papers

Grabbing them I noticed I had to sign a couple of them then there was a map and my timetable, I was missing first period anyways to meet with the principle, grabbing my bag from the floor, my dad and I were met with a woman in her mid thirties, her hair was up, pinned neatly against her scalp and had pretty much no makeup on, she was wearing a grey skirt, and a greyish blue blouse, she introduced herself as Ms Jackson, she seemed lovely, she smiled after every sentence and I felt confident that she wouldn't pick me up and throw me down the hallway for slightly running in the hallway.

Being shown the different rooms and where the lunch hall was, was weird to me, I was in an entirely new place and I wasn't sure how to deal with pretty much no friends, being shown where my first class was, we hit a room that said "Science. Room J." I looked through the window to see Michael, he was laughing with another boy, they were looking at their books, he was in my Science class which made me feel much better

"this is Miss Johnson's classroom, this is where you'll be doing science, there's still 30 minutes until the end, I'll show you where your next two classes are" Ms Jackson smiled at me as we walked away from the classroom, slowing down to a room that had "Maths. Room B" on, I noticed the class had Ashton in it, he was like Michael, sat with another boy, a blonde haired boy, he had a lip piercing, I never quite liked piercings on people but he somehow suited it, smiling I walked with my dad and Ms Jackson to another room that said "History" no Room nothing, this must be the only History room

"only the younger years take History" she said, looking at my timetable I noticed we only have History one day every two weeks, so that wasn't too bad. 
"your History teacher is called Mr Davis." she said with that smile at the end, it was slightly creepy not going to lie but it made me feel more comfortable

Ms Jackson let me know the main rules
No Cellphones in class, only allowed when lessons weren't happening
No PDA with your partner (not that I had one anyways) 
Boys and Girls were allowed to be partnered up but nothing beyond a friendship must be shown in school, which I guess I appreciated because seeing a couple eating each others tongues was never appealing to me. 
Uniform is Unisex, girls can wear trousers as well as skirts as long as it wasn't too short. 
Piercings were allowed which I was surprised at, subtle hair colour changes were allowed also, nothing too bright though, my dark purple hair was safe, I really didn't want to change it so it was nice to hear it 

When questioned why the rules were laid back Ms Jackson let us know that school is important but allowing children to express themselves was also important 

I think I was going to like this school.

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