Chapter 9

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I woke up Sunday morning to an irritating repetitive buzzing but with a smile on my face. Stretching as I yawned again, my smile broadened at the thought of the past twenty-four hours. Sophie was gone, back to her own house and I was free of her. Connor wasn't here either, he didn’treturn last night after I came home. I had my suspicions about that one but either way he wasn't here and I was left in peace. Yesterday I had been able to release some of my anger and was finally given the opportunity to hit Chase. I was closer to the boys, both Ty and Sam, and had met other people I could see myself becoming good friends with in the future, especially Cass and Snake. Ty had attacked Chase to defend my reputation and feelings, but most of all?

Ty had called me his girl.

After such a poor start to the day, yesterday had ended up finishing on a good note and for that I was thankful. There is only so much a normal girl can withstand before she breaks.

The repetitive buzzing started up again and it was then that I realised it was the vibrations of my phone ringing. Lazily, I stretched a hand over to my bedside table and patted around, rummaging through all of my stuff until I came into contact with the familiarly shaped phone. By the time I found it, however, it had finished ringing and I was left with two missed calls.

As I was about to open the messages to see who was trying to call me a text came through from Ty. It said: ‘Hey Rosie just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out at the beach today.’

With the realisation that I wouldn’t be able to ignore the phone and just roll back over and fall asleep, I reluctantly threw the covers back out of the way and sat up. Still half-asleep I ran my fingers lightly through my hair to get it out of my face and tame it a little, and replied to his message.

‘I don’t know.’

His reply was almost instant. He’d been waiting for me to reply and that though sent a flutter through my chest. ‘How can you not know? It’s a yes or no answer.’

I rolled my eyes. ‘Well I don’t know if I want to hang out with you today. I could be sick of you after yesterday.’ I added a smiley face at the end so he knew I was joking.

‘Ha ha, very funny. So are you coming or not? I know I’d like to spend today with you as well.’

My heart fluttered. ‘Uh, yeah, I’ll come. Where do you want me to meet you?”

‘Cool. Don't worry; I’ll pick you up in about an hour.’

At the last part I smiled. He could be really sweet sometimes, despite his attitude towards others. ‘Sounds good, see you then.’

I dropped my phone back down onto the bed beside me and allowed myself to fall back onto the bed with I smile brightening my face. I released a sigh of self-content before rising to my feet so I could start getting ready to leave.

A car horn sounding from out the front of the house had me rushing to shove my towel, and everything else, into the brightly – coloured beach bag I had discovered up the top of my wardrobe. At the door I hurriedly slipped on a pair of thongs and stepped outside.

They were in a different car from yesterday but I didn’t comment or change expression except for the raising of an eyebrow which went by unnoticed.

“Hey Rose.”

Ty was quick to greet me as I slid into the backseat. “Hi.”

“Was everything okay last night?” Sam asked as I clicked my seatbelt closed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2011 ⏰

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