"Oh Irene... not again..." Aphmau felt like she was going to pass out. Once Aaron got his shirt off, he threw on the floor. He ran his left hand through his hair, stroking it backwards to get it out of his face.

"If it will make you leave me alone..." Aaron murmered as he sat down on the empty table, waiting. He looked toward the other side of the observatory. Aphmau took a deep breath and felt herself calming down. She grabbed the first aid and put it next to Aaron. She sat on his right side, where the injured shoulder was. It had a large claw mark and was purple and blue. It looked like something hit him hard in the shoulder and then continued to claw at it.

"What the... what attacked you?" Aphmau asked, cleaning the wound. Aaron growled or groaned every time she pressed on his bruised shoulder. Aphmau blushed a little bit.

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea... it sounds like he's gonna kill me... no turning back now, I guess." Aphmau continued to treat it and Aaron started calming down a bit, his growling and groaning get quieter and less frequently... but then Aphmau realized what was wrong.

"Well..." Aphmau didn't know how to say this.

"What?" Aaron looked her in the eye.

"I think your shoulder is dislocated... I can put it back, I know how, but it's going to hurt... alot." Aphmau answered. Aaron closed his eyes for a second.

"Do it." Aaron finally answered. Aphmau prepared to put his shoulder back into place.

"Here we go..." Aphmau murmered and put it back into place. Aaron growled in pain continuously.

"It shouldn't be hurting this long... did he bruise or break a bone?! Just how bad was this fight?" Aphmau stared in shock and tried to calm him down.

"Aaron... calm down... it's okay..." Aphmau soothed him as he continued growling in pain. After a few minutes, he calmed down and the pain reduced, but he was breathing very heavily, shaking his head repeatedly.

"Well, apparently you have a bruised or broken bone, too... hehe..." Aphmau informed Aaron nervously. Aaron sat there, panting for a few moments. He growled again, but not in pain.

In anger.

His eyes turned onto Aphmau, glaring up at her.

"I-I'm sorry... I know it hurt, but I couldn't do anything else..." Aphmau didn't realize that Aaron was angry for a different reason. He stood up, facing Aphmau.

"U-U-Uh... f-feeling better...?" Aphmau backed up into a support beam. Aaron took something from the junk table, but he purposely made sure Aphmau couldn't see what it was. He walked up to Aphmau, slamming his left hand to her right, against the post. Aphmau saw his daggar in left hand. He moved his body toward her left, since he couldn't use his right arm. He towered over her.

"A-Aaron...?" Aphmau stared up at him. Aaron pushed her to the side and she fell on the ground. He got on top of her, managing to hold her down. Aphmau tried to get away, but failed. Aaron chuckled, smirking while looking her in the eye. His eyes looked like a abyss of darkness. Aphmau shook her head slowly, starting to feel scared.

"Remember that I've been hearing your voice recently?" Aphmau didn't respond, but just stared, afraid and frozen.

"Well... when you have a problem..." Aaron dragged the daggar lightly across her body until it reached where her heart was. He held it straight down, in a position where he could easily apply alot of pressure.

"...you get rid of it at the source." Aaron whispered in her ear.

"No... no, no, no... please..." Aphmau pleaded with Aaron. He gave a fake look of sympathy.

"Keep begging. See if it does anything for you." Aphmau tried to push him off, but failed, dispite the fact he was only using one arm.

"It's cute when you try to fight me. You can't win. Why do you bother?" Aaron asked Aphmaux who was now crying. She didnt answer but just continued crying.

"Tell you what... since these will be our last moments together, we might as well enjoy them." Aaron put the daggar down next to them and forced his right arm to move. He groaned in pain, then propped himself up on his forearm. He hooked Aphmau's chin, holding her still. He started leaning in, but Aphmau struggled too much. She kept trying to push him off, but kept failing miserably.

"Just don't." Aaron said. Aphmau paused, then cried loudly.

"Mmm...." Aaron looked at her, smirking. Aphmau didn't even dare opening her eyes.

"W-Why me...?" Aphmau murmered to herself. Aaron bent down, hooking her chin again and forcing her to face him. He studied her eyes for a moment, then he gently pressed his lips against Aphmau's. She kept crying, but didn't fight him anymore. He pulled away a tiny bit, their faces still mere centimeters apart. He moved his head down to her neck, kissing passionately on her cold skin. Aphmau closed her eyes, starting to drift. Aaron trailed up and down her neck slowly and subtlely. Aphmau started going limp. Aaron groaned into her neck as his injured shoulder almost gave way, but he held himself up.

Aaron suddenly stopped. He looked up at the door. It was open and a girl, small and timid looking, stood in its entrance.



*fangirl* Oooohhh WOAH. It is gettin HAWT in here. I mean, WOW. I'm having too much fun writing this....

Thanks for reading! ♡ ♡ ♡

Check out Aphmau's WattPad!
Check out Aphmau'a YouTube channel!

Check out the game that gave me inspiration for this story!
"Life Is Strange"

Writer of this chappy:
No one because I'm too lazy to edit.... :P

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