No. 10

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Disclaimers: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn
"Other Languages"

I sat on the floor of a darkish light room. Facing the door, in which Reborn left moments ago. I pulled of the kimono at the top attempting to loosen it slightly. I pulled on the top lair first, managing to loosen to where it was falling over my shoulder. Next I yanked on the one underneath slight, only enough so my neck was more exposed and a tiny bit of my chest. I reached for my head yanking off the horrid accessory. I threw the fox ears to the ground with a clank. Growling deep in my throat at the humiliation of the outfit.

The feeling was very displeasing. Not even a bit pleasing. Even though the clothing were soft and light almost. The look made me want to jump over a cliff. The feeling would be less, if only Luce had seen, however when you bump into a Hitman....

A very sadistic Hitman at that. You can't help but want to jump off the cliff. Just knowing that kind of black mail exist in his hands. If I had a life. It would have been destroyed.

I grumbled under my breath, hoping that Reborn wouldn't use it as blackmail, if I told him what he wanted to know.

I continued to yank at the kimono. This time being the sleeves, as I tried to pull them up to my elbows. My body felt weird and almost unmovable. It felt restricting. I couldn't move like I would in shorts and t-shirts. The feeling wasn't pleasant. Even though my body could move well still, the longer ends and longer sleeves made it difficult. It's something I'd need to get used to, and I hadn't planned on it. Especially not this kimono, considering it's a girls kimono...

I stared at the restricting fabric, as though it would turn to ashes at any moment. I continued to stare at it until I heard the twisting of a knob. My head shot up as my ears perked at the new sound. I became slightly defensive. Feeling my body go rigid in movement as my instincts to fight filtered in. My breathing was calm and short breathed. Concealing what ever presence or mine could be detected. Not even the chance of it most positively being Reborn calmed me down. The door was cracked opened, revealing the Hitman, Reborn, in his narcissistic glory.

"Who said I was a narcissist, princess?" He asked with a smirk. I glared back narrowing my eyes but smirked in return.

"Your entire aura. It's a wonder how people can be attracted to you in any shape or form. All I wanted to do was find the nearest cliff when I meet you!" I announced back. His smirk grew fiercely, sadistic and all included, as he entered the room all the way before shutting the room and locking it. He grabbed the lizard, as I found out to be Leon, who turned into a camera..! Camera!

Without hesitation, Rebron took a picture of me, which came out the other end of the camera. He snatched it from the end of the camera before waving it around. The picture slowly turned into a portrait of me in all my glory, seated on the floor. I thought, I looked girly and appealing in the mirror, for being a boy in female clothing and it was embarrassing to no extent. It would have been different if I had chosen to put on the clothing but in fact I hadn't. I had no clue what I agreed to when Luce asked me to do something for her. Things made it worse, after I yanked some of of the clothing free, it would make most people have nosebleeds.

I blushed uncharacteristically towards Reborn. He only stared down at me with a slight killer intent mixed with a sadistic overload making it seem unrealistically terrifying to be in my position with this Hitman. I stood up quickly to grab for the picture to only trip over the kimono and land in Reborn's arms and chest.

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