Chapter One

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Alpha of the Rogues, Chapter 2:

(Picture of Karly on the side)

I smirked at the questions that lay in front of me. The questions were multiple choice - so that narrowed down my answers. My palms got sweaty as the pencil twisted and twirled around my fingers.

The first question on the magazine page was  

"1. Would you want your dream mate to be: 

a) shy & cute 

b) bad & sexy 

c) charming & romantic" 

I was stuck between a) and c), i was a sucker for cute little geeks in my school - though i was the Alpha's daughter. (Yes the one that killed the original Alpha of the rogues) and my dad would never approve of a shy guy to be the heir to become Alpha.

I'm Karly Marquez, i live in New Orleans and i'm the future Luna of my father's pack - The Orleans Pack (yes i know, very original.) I'm seventeen (almost 18!, yay) and i need to find my mate. Like soon. My father is known as the most powerful Alpha after the deed he did to the Alpha of the Rogues. Let's put this nicely, 

He murdered him. 

Good one dad, now you have a pack of rogues wanting you dead.

"Karly Marquez!" Snapped the teacher, slamming my magazine shut. I gasped, my green eyes widening in shock.

How. Rude.

I glanced up to see the dark, scary cockroach eyes of my history teacher. I smiled sweetly,

"Yes, Mrs - oh i mean Miss.Ferndale?"

Her eyes narrowed down at me. Oops, struck a nerve there Miss?

The class around me snickered, as i raised one delicate brown eyebrow. I flicked my soft brown curls behind my shoulder effortlessly and gave her my million-dollar-alpha's-daughter smile.

"How dare you! Just because i have not found my mate yet! How about you Ms.Marquez!" She sputtered.

I rolled my eyes. She was seriously comparing her 40 year old self to a 17 year old? Pathetic.

"Just please continue your lesson Miss.FernDale." I ordered with a tinge of authority.

She gave me the evil eye and went back to the front of the class and continued telling us about the history of mates - note the irony.

"Werewolves were first born dating back at around 1,000 years ago when the moon god and goddess created Lucian and Lilith. They were the first werewolves to be ever born. They were attracted to each other of course, though they were separated at birth and lived with human families and met each other in wolf form at the age of 18.

They smelt each other first - that's how they came to each other. They their eyes connected and that was it. They found each other. Their other half - their soul mate. They fell in love almost instantly.

They created more wolves and their pups created their own and that's how everything happened. But we aren't all related. The moon god created more and more wolves in different parts of the world whom, like Lilith and Lucian found their mates and formed their own pack."

I was genuinely interested in this topic, i wanted to find my mate as soon as possible. I just had to turn 18, which was in a week to find my mate quicker. I hoped that it was Marcus, a shy but fierce boy in my group. He was my friend since he came to our pack a year ago, or even Greyson, my best friend since pretty much birth.

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