Date Night, Here I Come!

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"This shirt?" I ask Niall and Liam, watching as they both cock their heads.

"No," Niall says. "Too floaty."

"Is that even a thing?" Liam laughs.

I groan.

"This is so hard," I whine, throwing my arms around like a child. "You do it for me."

I fall back to lay on my bed, stropping, half dressed in just my skinny jeans.

Niall laughs, but he stands up.

"Those black skinny jeans and this shirt," He show me a long sleeved black one with white patterns across it. "And this black suit jacket."

"Nice, I can see it, Ni," Liam frames his choices with his hands like a camera. "Fashionable, yet formal."

Niall throws them on my body, and I smile.

"Put them on, then!" He goads. I sit up, huffing.

I do as I'm told though, before standing to look in the mirror.

Oh. That's not bad. I feel much better.

"This is good." I agree and the guys sigh, relieved.

"You're worse than a girl." Niall laughs.

"Fuck off," I snap. "I'm fucking freaking out."

Liam chuckles, amused.

"Yeah, and you're swearing a fucking lot," He grins. "You look amazing. Calm down."

"But what do I do with my hair?" I pull at it.

"Nothing," Niall frowns. "He likes your hair."

I sit on the bed to pull on my black boots, feeling strange. I feel like I'm a teenager about to go to prom, but this is two adults. And there should be no dancing. I hope there isn't.

"I think I'm going to be sick." I panic.

"No you won't, Styles," Niall laughs. "Stop being so dramatic."

"Are you going to put some cologne on?" Liam inquires, standing by my desk.

"Sure, grab me the one on the far end. The new one." I say and he does.

The door goes and I jump, heart rate going through the roof.

"Quick, quick!" Liam calls excited. "We'll stay here, just go!"

I quickly spray myself, grabbing my phone and keys before running to the door. I take a breath before opening it, blushing hard when I do.

"Hey, angel," Nathan breathes, grinning a beautiful white smile, his hazel eyes bright. "You look stunning."

I check him out, wearing a nice blue shirt, black skinny jeans and black shoes, and I decide he's beautiful.

"I - thank you," I stammer. "You look good, too."

He grins before stepping aside.

"Shall we?" He grins, and I smile with him.



"And I've worked there for a year now," I say, poking at my drink. "It's really nice, with all of the projects I see come in."

His head remains cocked, his curly hair making me swoon over and over. His hazel eyes are intensely on me, taking in every word I say, a small smile threatening at his lips.

"Thats great. I'm glad you love it," He grins, sipping his drink. "I work for a law firm."

I blush.

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