Chapter 14: Bar Brawl

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          "Fine," drinking some of the water. Javier then gets up walking over to Eric. "Your girlfriend has a great ass," he says bluntly.

         "Shit," Liam stands up and follows him and grabs his arm, pulling him back to the table.

         "Stop. Everyone knows I have a great ass," Sloane says trying to lighten the mood, putting her hands on Eric's chest.

          Liam pushes Javier down on the chair, "stop dude," pointing at him.

          "Screw him. Just because he wears a damn suit, he thinks he's better than everyone else. News flash asshole, your girlfriend, is hooking up with other guys," Javier says.

          Sloane's eyes become wide. Eric's eyes light up with rage.

          Liam wanting to avoid the situation, he pulls some money out of his pocket and sets it on the table. "Okay, buddy let's go," Liam grabs Javier's arm to lift him off the chair.

          Javier pushes off Liam and walks towards Eric, swinging at him and hitting him but not hard.

          "What the hell Javier," Liam says, pushing him and then again as Javi tries to hit Liam too but dodging it. "Go outside," Liam points out the door.

          "Screw him!" Javier yells once more as Sloane grabs Eric's arm and pulling him back. But, of course, he tosses her off like nothing, coming towards them and hitting Javier over Liam.

          "Bro get the hell off me," Liam turns, pushing Eric away as Javier finally sits down.

           Eric punching Liam hard in the face as his head goes back a little, Liam's lip busted.

          "You really don't want to do that..." Liam says, wiping the blood off.

          "I told you. You don't belong in the same room as me."

          "Why? Because I don't drive a Bentley or wear a suit to work every day? You know some good hard labor would do you good man," Liam laughs a little. "Because you hit like a pussy."

           Sloane watches as Eric goes to hit Liam again, Liam blocking his hand and pushing him as Sloane knows full well what Liam is capable of. She gets in between the two, almost crushed by both guys.

          "Stop it! Stop it!" she yells as everyone in the bar is watching.

          "You should listen to her because I'd hate to send you to the hospital and mess up that pretty face of yours," Liam winks at Eric.

          Eric tries to grab at Liam over Sloane which results in her being pushed out of the way and into the table. Liam instantly pissed off, always being very protective of women. "She's half your size," Liam shoving him one more time and then clocking him in the face.

          Eric falls to the ground as his buddies pull him up before things get worse for him.

          "You alright?" Liam helping Sloane up, seeing a massive gash on the back of her head.

          "I'm fine."

           Liam sees Eric and his friends leaving. Javier's head on the table. "We need to clean this," he says, sliding his hands on her cheeks and turning her head to see the gash better.

          "I'm fine," Sloane says, looking up at him.

          "Sloane, look at your hand," he says sternly, a fair amount of blood on it.

          "Don't..." she says quietly.

           "Come on," Liam grabbing her hand and walking to the bathroom, opening the door and shutting and locking it.

          Her knees go weak when she sees the gash, getting woozy.

           "Whoa whoa," Liam says reaching over in time to catch her, wrapping an arm around her to prevent her from hitting the floor. He lifts her on the counter. "Here take this, put it on your head," handing the wet paper towel to her.

          She takes it, holding it against her head and shutting her eyes. He watches her, stepping closer and grabbing the paper towel, taking control. He cleans the gash as best as he can.

          "Do you guys have a first aid kit?"

          "Hmm? Yeah..." she says quietly, pointing at the cabinet behind Liam.

          "Okay hold that," Liam says, walking away and getting out the first aid kit. He sets it on the counter beside her and looks through it.

           "Liam," she says softly, his lip bleeding a little and a cut over his eyebrow.


            She slides her hand on the back of his neck, pulling Liam to her like he usually does as she presses her lips against his. Liam surprised but kissing her back.

          "Sloane, I need to make sure your head is okay."

          "I'm fine," she says against his lips.

          "I'm sorry about Javier," Liam apologies, giving her a couple more pecks.

          "Doesn't matter," she says softly, kissing down his neck.

          "Police open up!"

          Sloane sighs hiding her face in his neck, groaning, hopping off the counter and staggering a bit. A little trail of blood still dripping down her forehead as she opens the door.

           "Are you okay Miss?" the officer asks her.

           "Fine. Thank you," she nods.

           "Liam Pearson?"

          "Yeah, that's me."

           "He didn't do anything," Sloane looks at them.

          "Ma'am, step aside," one officer walking to Liam. "Liam you're under arrest," placing him in his handcuffs and reading his Miranda rights.

           "Are you kidding me?" Liam mumbles.

           "Hey," Sloane stepping between them. "What did he do?"

          "Battery, attempted murder and disturbing the peace."

          "Whoa whoa, attempted murder?" Liam asks, flashbacks clouding his memory.

          "Seriously?" Sloane can't help but laugh. "A bar fight? No, you aren't taking him."

          "Ma'am, would you like to be arrested too?"

           "It's fine Sloane."

           "No, it's not fine. If you take him, you're taking me too..."

           "No, I'll be out by the end of the week. It's no big deal," Liam says as they take him out, people taking pictures as he's escorted out in cuffs.

          She looks at her head, wincing at it as the manager closes the bar early. 

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