Chapter 7: Karma VS Gakushuu War?!

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It was the next day before you knew it, and rumors had already spread all across the school about you, another major failure in the school.

As you walked along the sidewalk, you spotted your best friend, Yui, kneeling on the sidewalk as she strokes a small, gray kitten's head

"Yui-san!!" You yelled!

She had stopped petting the cat and twitched a bit.

You ran a bit to her and breathed out heavily, trying to catch your breath.

"It's been some days since we seen each other h'm? How's everything be-"

"I don't want a failure to talk to me."


Yui stood up and glared at you, her eyes, stone-cold.

"Like I said, I don't want a failure to talk to me. That ruins my reputation."


"Don't ever talk to me, again, and don't ever speak out my name with that mouth of yours."

She silently walked away, still having that stone-cold expression of hers on her face.

The kitten she had been petting hissed at you, and scampered away.

Your heart felt heavy.

It felt like it was about to explode.

You felt

Empty..and broken.


"What's wrong (Y/N) - san?"

You looked up to see Isogai, staring at you with a puzzled look on his face.

"Ah..well you see..I just lost a friend of mine..someone I thought who would be close to me no matter what..yet I'm a 'failure' and I can't be friends with her anymore.." You tried to hold back your tears, for you didn't want to be a burden to the kind boy.

"Ahhh ... is that all? People can be like that.. they always think and say that grades matter, nothing more, and when they get a low grade, they try to work harder, stating to themselves that they can't be failures. Stating that if they hang out with a failure, they'll become a failure as well. But that's not true. So what? A friend is still a friend. And that's that."

You widened your eyes as the boy smiled at you.

"Isogai-kun..thank y-"

The door slammed open.

It was Karma, dragging Gakushuu by the collar of his uniform.


"K-Karma?!" Kaede shouted.

Koro-sensei looked up and cocked his head to the side. "Oh my, what's going to happen?"

Karma spotted you and stormed over, still dragging Gakushuu.


"K-Karma-kun!! Let Gakushuu-kun go!!" You yelled.



Karma growled, his face full of anger. Suddenly, a blue haired boy with pigtails stood near Karma and looked up at him.

"You heard her, Karma, let him go."

Karma stayed silent for a moment.

"Whatever, Nagisa."
He then released his grip of Gakushuu's collar.

He looked down at him and spat, "Next time you go near her, I'll kill you."

Gakushuu snorted, and sneered, "Why should I give a damn, Akabane?"

"Why you fucking little.."

"Karma-kuuunnn that's enough you hear? Gakushuu-kun, go back to your class now." Koro-sensei said across the room.

Gakushuu stood up and brushed the dirt off his clothes, sneering at Karma.

Karma shot a death stare at him.

"This means war, Asano."

He hissed, baring his teeth.


Yes, finally a fucking update, I know.

I tried to make it long.

You're welcome you little anuses

Now I'm gonna eat and text bye.

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