Two-Bit *requested*

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This was requested by @kneestoface. I hope you like it.

I groaned as there was an obnoxiously loud knock on my front door. I looked at the clock to see that it's three in the morning and angrily threw my blankets off of me and stumbled my way to the front door. Before I even got the door opened I knew who it was.

"Gia!" Two-Bit yelled through the door. "I know you're in there!" I couldn't help but laugh a little at his drunk antics. I turned the lock on my door and he yelled once more. "Ha! I heard you unlock the door! Now you have to talk to me."

"Hello, Two." I smiled as I opened the door. Instead of responding he stared at me for a minute with his mouth hanging open. Before I could say something else he tackled me into a hug.

"I missed you so much!" He slurred while petting my hair.

"I missed you too." I grumbled as I tried to push him off of me and onto the couch. "Even though I saw you yesterday."

"I'm hungry." He said while releasing me and stumbling his way into the kitchen.

"I think you should take a nap." I told him as I took his arm and led him back into the living room.

"Fine." He groaned like a child as he flopped onto the couch. I grabbed a pillow and blanket and walked back towards him. When I came back into the living room i found him sitting in the middle of the couch while watching Mickey Mouse. I shouldn't be surprised.

"Lay down, Two." I told him softly, hoping he would obey." He slowly layed across the couxh and I covered him with the blanket and placed the pillow beneath his head.

"Night, Two-Bit." I told him as I kissed his forehead. I went to walk away but he grabbed my arm.

"I love you, Gia." He mumbled sleepily. "Like a lot." I stood there shocked at his confession. He didnt say anything else but turned back to the TV and closed his eyes. We've been friends for years now and I never even thought for a second he might like me. He is drunk, though. So he might not mean it. I kept arguing with myself until eventually I went back to bed, deciding I should just ask him about it tomorrow.

The next morning I woke up to a loud thump coming from the living room followed by Two-Bit groaning. After a few minutes of silence my door opened and a tired Two-Bit stumbled into the room and climbed into my bed beside me. The both of us were facing each other and we sat in a comfortable silence.

"You need a bigger couch, Gia." He mumbled, causing me to laugh. He smiled at me as the laughter escaped my lips and pulled the blankets closer to him. The room went silent again as I tried to think of a way to bring up the 'I love you' incident.

"So, do you remember much of last night?" I asked, thinking this would be the easiest way to bring it up.

"Bits and pieces." He responded while covering his face with the blanket. We went into another silence, but this one was awkward. Finally Two-Bit broke it. "What did I say?" He asked. "You've never been this awkward around me before."

"You told me you loved me." I whispered. He didnt say anything but stared directly into my eyes. My chest started to tighten as I got scared of what he would say. I never really thought about what I wanted the outcome to be.

"What did you say back to me?" He asked, finally breaking the silence.

"I didn't know what to say." I answered honestly. "I didn't know if you even meant it."

"What would you say if I didn't mean it?" He asked cautiously, causing my heart to stop for a moment.

"Just forget it ever happened, I guess." I answered quietly.

"What would you say if told you I meant it then?" He asked with a hopeful edge to his voice.

" I dunno." I shrugged. "I might give you a chance."

"So if I asked you to be my girl?" He smiled while grabbing me by the waist and pulling me towards him.

"I'd probably say yes." I giggled, and his smile grew.

"I love you, Gia." He whisper in my ear. "Be my girl?"

"I love you too," I whispered back. "Of course I will." I swear I've never smiled this wide in my life. Two-Bit didn't let me get out of bed for the rest of the day. We just cuddled and watch Mickey Mouse.

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