Part 6

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Nothing was better than the day youwere wheeled out of the hospital. Dean pushed you down the hallways,a little faster than the staff liked, but you all chose to ignorethat. Dean popped a wheelie into the elevator, causing you to eruptin laughter as the door closed.

"Okay. So today we take it easy. Getyou some real food. And rest." Dean pat you on your shoulder as theelevator slowly lowered to the bottom floor.

You rolled your eyes, "I am not ababy you know."

Sam and Dean shared a look, one youweren't able to see. You reached the bottom floor and to doorsopened. No one paid much mind to you three. Dean walked causally now,navigating your way through the crowded bottom floor.

The fresh air and sun hit you and madegoosebumps appeared on your skin. Dean's car was parked up front, andSam ran forward to open the back door. You stood, stretching slightlybefore moving from one seat to another. Sam shut the door gently,giving it a simple slam to lock you in place.

Sam climbed into the front seat,turning to face you while Dean was still gone. "Are you alright?"

"I am fine. If you both would stopasking me that it'd be great." You leaned back, crossing your armsover your chest. You looked out the window, sick people and familiesslowly making their way in or out of the building.

Sam faced forward, "Yeah, right."

You both sat there for a moment insilence. Dean was taking longer than expected and while Sam had anidea as to why, you were left clueless. "Are we going back to thatmotel room?" You asked, breaking the deadly silence between the twoof you.

"We uh- upgraded." Sam laughed,"Gave you a room to yourself. But it connects to ours so we can getto you if something happens. Both rooms are safe though."

Dean joined you now, throwing himselfinto the driver seat and roaring the engine to life. He lurched thecar forward and brought you safely to your next destination, thehotel.

Sam wasn't lying. They had moved up afew floors and got two separate rooms that joined together. Sam andDean had already picked their beds, bags and clothes thrown on top.Dean pointed to the open door, "That's your space. Just uh- don'tleave it again?"

You laughed, "I think I learned mylesson last time. I wont be taking off like that again."



You had made yourself slightlycomfortable. Finding yourself in bed once more, tired and growingsore from the amount of moving you had been doing. You rested yourhead and felt your self slipping in and out of sleep.

"Y/N?" Sam asked, entering theroom. He knocked on the door, only to find you laying on the bed."Y/N? Are you awake."

"Barely." You croaked stirring inbed and attempting to force yourself into a sitting position.

Sam laughed, sitting on the end of yourbed. "Its pain pill time. How are you feeling?"

You managed to pullyourself into asitting position, though a few short hisses left your lips as youdid. "Like pain pill time could have been 20 minutes ago."

"Sounds about right." Sam openedthe orange bottle, shaking a few of the pills into the palm of hishand. He handed both the pills and a glass of water. He turned awayas you downed the pills with a flick of your wrist.

You set the cup down on the smalldresser next to the bed. "So whats next?" You asked, pushingyourself to sit next to Sam. Your legs barely reaching the floor overthe bed.

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