Chapter 8; be prepared

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See guys I told you I'd update, now let the drama continue. ...

Chapter 8

I was drowning, deeper, deeper, deeper, into a dark abys. Everything sounded blur. When I reached the bottom , I stood steadily. Where am i? I looked around all I could see was darkness going on for miled, an ocean darkness.

Something moved behind me, it felt like a huge fish, I turned around there was nothing, moving back into my position, there the eel was in front of me, it was black and its tail held something. It looked me in the eyes, searching for something but what?

“noella dear, is this what you wish to become.” Someone whispered.

“Moon goddess?” I questioned. The voice began chuckling.

“Oh no, my dear child, its dark goddess to you, and I’m here to tell you something.” She said.

“What is it?” I asked, bluntly, emotionless.

“Think thoroughly, before you do, for there is something going to take over you, it won’t be good, not a slight light, consumes it, like I said, don’t do It.” she riddled, what the hell?

“Dark goddess, I don’t do riddles, either be clear, or do not tell me such rubbish.” I stated firmly. She just chuckled. As the eel, came at a fast speed before me, opening its mouth wide, no, it wouldn’t.

Then here I was a gain in a dark abys, my oxygen being taken away from me.

“Noellla” I shot up, as my name was called. Here I was in my quarters, only Penelope by my side.

My head was pounding, my muscles felt painful, what happened. “Where am I, what happened?” I asked looking at Penelope.

“Your mate, has mated with someone else and has staked his claim on this woman, hurting you, I’m sorry” She said, that, asshole, how dare he! I growled out in anger.

“Your majesty, please be calm.” Penelope tried relaxing me, but I felt angry, furious.

First that asshole rejects me, then banished  me, and I didn’t do anything, and then he has the audacity to hurt me, what more does he want, he made my life a living hell, he broke me, he took everything away from me, he took my Luna title away from me. And he is still not satisfied!

“ahhhhhhhhhhh.” I growled in anger as I slammed my hand on the side table, cracking it, “he will ever live to see, sunlight again, for a person no monster like him does not deserve to live, at all.” I barked. Penelope sinked in her chair as she watched me rage.

He doesn’t deserve to live.

He doesn’t deserve to be happy!

He doesn’t deserve to be human!

He doesn’t deserve to be an alpha!

He doesn’t deserve to have anything at all!

He doesn’t deserve….

“ELIOTT!!!!” I barked out, making Penelope flinch at my tone.

Footsteps were hurried as up the steps, the door opened revealing Eliot, panting his life out. Foolish mutt!

“Yes your majesty,” he said bowing down, I raised my hand silencing him.

“Who is alpha Nate of the shadow packs mate?” I questioned

“We have no idea, you majesty.” He said, I nodded. I want you to grab a few of the strongest rouge men of this kingdom and attack, the shadow pack, and I want results to know that you’ve caused havoc, do not fail me.” I finally stated,

“Of course your highness, we will not fail you.” He promised.

“Excellent, you leave at dusk, good luck.” I said, he nodded and left. I got up pulling the covers off my body, as queen I will not be seen as weak.

“Your majesty, do you need help?” Penelope asked.

“No that will be all, go and prepare the rest of the pack men for training” I said, he nodded, bowed and left me to myself.

Prepare yourself Nate, prepare to be destroyed, hut, lose everything, and just be prepared.


How was it? Should I make the next chapter longer of super long? This is the last part for part 2, next is part three!!!! Yay!

What so you think, will Eliot succeed in pleasing Noella?

Don't forget to comment and vote for the story! ❎

Until the next update of Queen Rouge.

- rama ✌

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