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Deadpool's POV Key: Stupid voice ,Smart voice, Both has bolding and underlining


Why isn't spidey helping (y/n), Is he that jealous? Spidey you're better than this!

I don't think he noticed (y/n), situation, he must be too focused on the current battle.

"I have an Idea." I comically grabbed my katana and threw in directly at spider man, and simultaneously swooped under him. Unexpectedly he wrapped webbing around my katana and slammed it into my side. My arm reached for (y/n) as I watched her slip off the building. Without a second to waste I ripped my side and dove down after her falling body.


I struggled to reach for (y/n), I almost didn't get to her but by the tip of my fingers I grabbed hold of her jacket hood, and pulled her close. We were falling at an alarming speed, I reached for my other katana and stabbed it into the building forcing it into the rough stone. It slowed our paced to a stop and we hung there no more than 3 feet from touching the ground. I pulled my blade out of the wall and we dropped to the streets. I checked her breathing and her heart rate, both had slowed exponentially. I absolutely had to hurry to the helicarrier. I rushed to the oncoming traffic and 'commandeered' a vehicle. I bounced into the driver's seat and slammed on the gas, darting in between cars, zooming closer to the helicarrier. I heard a loud 'Thud' on the car's roof and checked my mirrors already know who it was.

"Spider-kid go away~! Come back some other day~" I chimed rhythmically. Spider Man slung another web in front of the car.

"Geez spidey, keep chasing me like this and you'll really drive me off the edge" I laughed. Spiderman launched another web into the tire, jamming it thoroughly.

"Spider Man, why can't you ever just roll with it?" The car toppled and slid into his premade webbing.

"Deadpool, don't you ever stop?"

"Hey you started it, Mr.Goody Goody"

"And I'm Ending it Wade." He hurled a web to (y/n) and hoisted her to him.

"Alright Spidey, giver her back before someone does something stupid." I laughed, a irritated smirk climbed on to my face and my eye twitched.

"Wade, You already know I that I can't just hand this girl over to you."

"I know I know! And that's why I hate it when we fight~" I pulled out my katanas and jumped at spider man. He grabbed one sword and pulled it away from me then I quickly seized (y/n) and pulled her to a safe spot. I turned to spidey and pointed downwards where 6 bombs I had dropped went off around him. When the smoke began clearing Spider Man hurled my katana back at me with a web, which I grabbed an quickly sheathed. Spider man leaped towards me again.


"Are you crazy!?"


"Deadpool this is insane! You're ganna get people hurt!"

"I know that you think you have to save the damsel, but I need you and your superhero crazy to back off this one, so leave now and I'll only break half your bones" I pulled out a Miniature Gatling Gun and unloaded at him.

"Wow who knew you were faster than a speeding bullet? Your fo'sho smarter than the average spider"

"That's lame, even for you deadpool. You really shouldn't go into this half-cocked."

"Never use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary, that's what I always say!" I brought out my gun and shot at him. A web darted at my gun pulling it away from me. Spiderman gave a forceful upper cut punch, a left jab, and kick flip. I returned the favor in full with my X button combo.

"Pow! Wham! Kablammy!" Spider Man stumbled back.

"Anyone want barbequed bug?" I hoisted out a flamethrower and pranced to spidey.

He's not looking good

"That Bug is on fire!" I sang while tracing his movements with the flamethrower.

"Cool down, or else you'll be the one to get burned" Spider man yelled and flung his webs onto a nearby fire hydrant, steam flew everywhere and lingered.

"I love this steaming passion we have for one another!" I teased, He attempted to sneak up on me but his movements were slower than a turtle on steroids. I gave a swift kick in the side, and watched him slide across the pavement. He struggled to get up, before heaving himself at me.

He has suffered substantial wounding, fracturing, most likely many breaks, and had to listen to your bantering of course he's in bad shape. I guess in the end, even his healing abilities have limits.

Wait-- We aren't killing spidey, are we?

No we wouldn't do that, I think.

"I would never!" I stopped right before stabbing him and instead punched him full force in the gut. "K.O" I exclaimed and raised my arms in the air at my winning. "Sorry little buddy but I can't let you stop me." I picked my gun up off the ground and raised it, placing it back in its holster. I gathered my weapons, and picked (y/n) up. I was ready to leave when I glanced back at spidey.

"But I aint ganna leave you here in the street amongst the rubble either! You could get mugged." I picked up spidey by his suit collar. I then set off once again on my journey to the unknown!

You do mean the helicarrier, correct?

"Of course! It just sounded cooler!" I was finally closing in on the helicarrier, I checked on (y/n). Her breathing was almost non-existent and her heartbeat was the same. There was now a black mark going across her face almost to the bridge of her nose. I borrowed spidey's web slinger and made my way to the top of the helicarrier landing in a heroic pose, right through the window.

I raised my head to be greeted by dozens of guns pointed directly at me. Fury stood at the back, center of the bunch. "A welcome party! Just for ME!! Oh, Nicky you really shouldn't have~" I winked at fury. He raised his arm "Wait I have a present for youuuu!" I handed the spider man over, "He put up a hell of a fight! Also there are quite a few fires you should put out!" I laughed and then regained my serious tone. "Where's the Iron playboy? I need his 'expertise'"

"Wade leave now"



"Fine, but make sure she gets proper care." I carried (y/n) In my arms, her limpless body resting in my arms. I looked at fury solemnly, he let out a sigh.

"Get this girl to the infirmary. And someone call tony. Wade you dont need to leave, but you'd better not make me regret this." Fury walked away, S.H.I.E.L.D agents took (y/n) to the infirmary where Tony stark had been called to. I followed closely behind the in a flash I found my chest riddled with darts and S.H.I.E.L.D agents took me down.

Deadpool x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin