There And Back Again. A Harry Styles Tale.

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On Sunday, I'm resolved. I need to get away. For a couple of days. A couple of weeks. I don't know.

I decide to go home. Holmes Chapel. I'm not too grown up and independent to see I need my Mum.

I'm so glad my bosses are okay with this. I've told them I've had a breakdown, not lying, and I'm on my sick pay until I'm ready to come back.

I hastily pack some of my things, shoving them into my large bag until I'm satisfied I have enough. Hauling it over my shoulder, I grab my keys and sunglasses, before getting in my car. I push into the ignition, and let my car take me home. It is a long journey but somehow it is calming.

Many hours later, I pull into my Mums drive, grabbing my bag and get out of the car.

"Baby?" A sweet, gentle voice calls over when I'm out, and my head whips round to my beautiful mum, with her kind and lovely features filled with concern. It really hits me hard, and I choke on my sadness.

I drop my bag and run into her, desperately holding on.

"Mum," I sob. "Mum, I'm so broken."

She brings her arms around me, holding me in just like I need, and I have another breakdown, crying so hard. I know I shouldn't, because it'll really scare her, but I can't stop.

"Come on, Harry," She breathes, her voice breaking. "Let's get you inside, yeah?"

Her voice sounds so sad, and I hate myself for putting that emotion in there. She tugs me into the lounge, sitting me down before retrieving my things. I lay back, struggling to breathe, eyes and face hurting from my stinging tears.

"Shh," She says, wrapping her arms around mine and I curl into her side like I would if I was smaller. Like I have done all my life. "I've got you, baby."

She smells like home and Mum, and I instantly feel myself relaxing. She strokes at my hair, at my back, holding my big hands in hers, and I slowly but surely stop crying.

"Tell me all about it, Harry." She asks, holding me.

And so I do. Because it's my mother.

I tell her about first meeting Louis, that first night, camping, and the month we'd just spent intimately. And the fact I'd always loved him, and he hadn't.

"Oh, H," She coddles. "No wonder you're like this. That's a massive secret."

"He's cheating on her. And I'm awful for letting that happen." I groan.

"Not that it's okay, because it's not," She doesn't hold back. "But you're in love with him. That's why you're doing it, Harry. You'd never steal another man from their girlfriend. Just this Louis."

Only Louis.

"I need to move on," I breathe. "Since Will. And now Louis. I need to get over them both and move on."

My phone vibrates loudly over the table, making us both jump, and I look to see who it is.


"I've gotta answer this," I say. "I never told Liam I was leaving."

"Harry!" Mum scolds me, and I feel uneasy.

I answer the phone.

"Hello?" I start and I can hear his exhale of relief.

"Harry? Thank God. Where the fuck are you? Loads of your clothes are gone and I panicked." His voice is tight, full of emotions I don't deserve.

"'M home, with my Mum." I explain. "Sorry, Li, I just needed to go."

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