Chapter one a bookstore meeting

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Draco's P.O.V

It was a lovely day to be walking in Diagon Alley, my father and I had just finished some business at Borgins and Berks and were on our way to Florish and Blotts to pick up the rest of my school books.

We stepped into the store and my feet carried me up one of the huge wooden staircases, books surrounded me but there was one volume in particular that I was searching for. It wasn't necessary for this years curriculum but it was for last years. My copy had been destroyed by the weather after I had left it outside on accident. My eyes landed on the volume that I was looking for and it was the last copy. Before my hand could close around it however something or someone plowed into me and it sent me to the ground.

My gray eyes were alight with rage whoever had done that was going to pay. My eyes landed on the source of the impact only to find a girl with flushed cheeks and tears leaking from her eyes all of a sudden the anger drained from my being, it was impossible to yell at the poor thing. I'm also rubbish when it comes to crying girls. My tone was soft which surprised me as I said, " It's okay, my name is Draco Malfoy pleasure." My hand extended toward her and she took it and raised her head, her black hair fell perfectly and spilled over her shoulders and down her back and her dark blue eyes had an intelligent spark to them.

She replied, "Astoria Greengrass, I'm sorry about running into you it was just I need that book for my classes I'm a first year. My sister has spoken highly of you Draco." My mind clicked she was Daphnis little sister and it seemed she really need the book and considering it was for Snape's class she needed it more than I did. Pat your self on the back Draco selfless deed for the year is about to be done. My tone was sure as I said, "You keep it. Snape will murder you if you show up unprepared. I was simply going to buy it for leisure purposes."

She smiled and her even bright white teeth shone under the lights as she dashed off and said, "Thank you maybe we could sit together on the train." The way she spoke brought a smile to my face but I quickly shook it off, it would not do to have my father see me flustered like this. Just as that thought crossed my mind Potter and his gang of goons stumbled in the door oh this was going to be fun.

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