Chapter 3

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Me, Emma and Mark hung out in the mall for a bit and got to meet tons of fans along the way. We were walking around, casually and normally, until Emma tripped. Mark put his foot out, by accident, and Emma tripped over it. "Everyone's watching. You screamed like really loud." I gritted though my teeth, while me and Mark helped her up. Meanwhile, Mark was laughing. "Stop! It's not funny!" Emma whinged, lightly hitting Mark on the arm. "Okay, okay. I'll stop. But the way you fell!" Mark exclaimed and bursted out laughing. Nearly everyone in the mall stared at us, then. "Mark! Shut up!" I commanded, while lightly whacking his arm. "Why is everyone hitting me today?" Mark asked, calming down. "Because you're not being mature. You're not acting like a 20 year old." Emma said. (It's 5 years ahead, just a reminder) "I am. Says the one who screamed when she tripped." Mark argued, playfully. "Says the one who put his foot out, DELIBERATELY, to trip me up!" Emma argued back, in a playful way.
Mark isn't acting like a mature 20 year old. He's nearly 21! How's he going to act when he gets a job? He still hasn't got a job. I got a part-time job in a school, not far from where I live. Jacob got a part-time job as a plumber. (Random😂) We carried on walking around for a bit, when we saw Loren and Joey. Loren noticed me and screamed, "EMMA!" I noticed her and I screamed, "LOREN!" Everyone stared this time. We both ran up to each other as fast as we could and swung our arms around eachother. "Oh my god! You changed SO much!" Loren exclaimed. "Could say the same thing about you! Where've you been these past years?" I asked. "Been working on big stuff. And hanging around with the family more. Because of what happened with, you know? Your parents..." Loren explained. "It's fine. I'm over my parents now. We need to hang around more!" I said. "Yes, we do!" Loren agreed. "You alright, Em? You've changed since I saw you, what? 5, 6 years ago?" Joey came up and asked, with his big smile on his face. "Yeah! You have too! I think I've gotten fatter." I said. "No way! More than anything, you've gotten fitter. Not saying you weren't fit when you were younger, though." Jacob butted in. "Thanks, babe." I thanked and gave Jacob a quick kiss. "See you two still together?" Loren asked. "Yup. Still together. Aren't we, babe?" Jacob said. "Yeah. We are. And you two?" I asked Loren and Joey. "Yup. Still going." Joey answered. "That just leaves Marky. Mark, you got a girlfriend yet? Or a girl in mind?" Loren asked Mark, who was on his phone. "I've been talking to this girl. I really like her for some reason." Mark confessed. "Ooh! Mark's got a crush! Mark's got a crush!" Loren chanted. "What's the name?" Jacob asked. "Brooklyn. She's right fit." Mark said. "Alright! Steady on! You're not at the dating stage yet! Not even close. Wait. Does she know you like her?" I asked him. "I don't know. I've been leaving her clues. Like complimenting her and stuff like that." Mark replied. "Tell her. Just straight out, tell her. Don't be afraid. I wasn't when I told this one." I said, pointing at Jacob. "Okay. Maybe a tiny bit. But that shouldn't scare you. Just go find the girl of your dreams." I said and pushed Mark towards the exit. "Okay. See you in a bit, guys." Mark said, waving to everyone. We all said, "Bye!" While we waved.

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