°°Chapter Fifteen°°

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"Will you go out with me Jordyn....Will you go out with me? Criminal and all?????" He asks while winking at me his smile so adorable.

"Luke I-"

"What the hell?!" Asks a really pissed off Niall. I turn around to look at him. I fakely smile.

"That's what I was wondering myself!" I say furiously to him, my hand resting on my hip.

"I came to speak with you. Now I'm going to ask you one more time! What the hell?!" Niall snapped.

"Just talking with Luke and Ashton," I say normally. He grits his teeth together and signals me to come over by him.

"what?" I whisper ask my teeth still gritted.

"Come on," He says grabbing my wrist. He walks me down the hall and pushes me in his room.

"Yes Niall?" I ask furiously.

"If I told you once I told you turdy seven times! Go with Harry! Not Luke!" Niall says. I scoff. Wh does he think he is? Telling me what to do! Pfft as if!

"Who do you think you are!" I ask furiously.

"More importantly who do you think you are! Flirting with Luke!" He retorts.

"Why do you care?! You seem more to care than Harry himself!" I stated. its true though I understand he wants me to be with Harry but he seems to care more than Harry himself!

"Ohh. Trust me if Harry knew Luke would be killed, weather Luke's his cousin or not!" Niall snaps. I was furious so I was not thinking of what I was saying it just flowed on out.

"No he wouldn't! He said he was going to kill me within a week its been 5! Why hasn't he killed me? Because he doesn't have the-"

"Can you shut up!" Yelled a raspy voice on the other side of the wall.

"I'm really getting tired of that topic! I can hear everything!" says Harry. I shake my head.

"Way to fucking go Niall!" I yell.

"Me? Bitch your kidding!" He yells back. We bicker for awhile before Harry appears in the doorframe.

"SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP!" He yelled rubbing his temples.

"Awhh," I say inching towards Styles.

"Headache?" I ask fake pouting.

"Very funny love!" He says lifting up my chin.

"Soo..." I say staring into his eyes confused of what to do and or what to say.

"Just don't do anything death worthy, love!" He says smirking before uncupping my chin and walking out of the room.

Fuck! So he heard everything! He'll be extra careful of Luke and I now. Gosh Harry why did I have to be kidnapped? Why did you show up in my life? Why do you make everything intense? why do you always pop up in the most intense moments?

I finally break myself from my train of thought. I notice I'm still in Niall's room... I'm the only one in here. I turn my head and walk out his bedroom door. I walk out towards the dining room and see Louis and Liam.

Ew. I'm mad at the both! I've despised Louis since the first day, and Liam WAS my favorite until he completely ignored me today.

I pulled out my chair and sat down across from Louis. They both look up at me.

"Yes?" Louis asks sassily.

"What? Can't I sit without wanting something?" I ask seriously.

"Yeah... But I can sense you want something," He says smirking.

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