Community Needs Assessment/ Community Diagnosis

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¡  Community Diagnosis

¡   A process by which the nurse collects data about the community in order to identify factors which may influence the deaths and illnesses of the population

¡  to formulate a community health nursing diagnosis and develop and implement community health nursing interventions and strategies

¡  Done to come up with a profile of local health situation

¡  Will serve as a basis of health programs and services to be delivered to the community

¡  Starts with determining the health status of the community

2 Types of Community Diagnosis

1.        Comprehensive Community Diagnosis

§   aims to obtain general information about the community

2.        Problem-Oriented Community Diagnosis

§   type of assessment responds to a particular need



                                 i.            Total population & Geographical distribution including Urban-Rural index & Population Density

                                ii.            Age & Sex composition

                              iii.            Selected vital indicators e.q. Growth rate, CBR, CDR & Life expectancy rate

                               iv.            Patterns of migration

                                v.            Population projection

¡  Note:

§   Population groups that need special attentions:

▪       Indigenous people

▪       Socially dislocated groups as a result of disasters, calamities & development programs

2.        Socio-economic & Cultural variables

         i.            Social indicators

        §   Communication network

        §   Transportation system

        §   Educational level

        §   Housing conditions

        ii.            Economic indicators

        §   Poverty level income

        §   Employment rate

        §   Types of industry present in the community

COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSINGTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon