Gifts or Lies

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The whole day was spent by testing my new formed powers, and my wings (obviously).
I pushed my wings to the limit, testing how high I could go. I would dive through the sky, sending clouds to the side of me. I couldn't believe what would be better. I then of course took a selfie, because why not?

I then spent the day trolling airplanes and allowing Asriel to have rides and fly with me. Asriel obviously got scared out of his mind when I got to high. But soon he adjusted and enjoyed the piggy backs on me. Sans simply flew around with me on his Gaster Blasters. Undyne who was jealous soon climbed onto the Gaster Blaster with Sans.

It was probably the most fun times I have ever had. The views were beautiful, the laughs were amazing, and the excitement was exhilarating.

Soon night had fallen, and Sans and I had made a decision to sleep together. Since he wanted to make sure Chara was completely gone.  Besides we loved eachother.
I was so tired from the day I so. Drifted in a black abyss of darkness.

Frisk's Dream
I woke up in a cage. Gaster stood there infront of me. I cringed, "Hello Frisk." I then spat at him, "WHY SHOULD I TRUST YOU!" He smirked and folded his arms "Why shouldn't you trust me." I sighed "But the determination.." He laughed, "They're lying." The black aura surrounded him, then surrounded both of us. "They just want control over you. Just like Chara." I bit my lip, remembering Chara. She wanted power so desperately it was insane. Soon she took control of me and used me as a vessel. Her insanity was driven into the back of my mind. Slowly developing and turning myself more like her. I sighed, "And your explanation for this is?"
He smirked, "Whenever you are at the blink of death, they help you? Isn't that right? Do they help you anywhere else? No. They then give you powers, and make you the guardian of the UnderGround. They're just buying time with you. They're convincing you that they are good and I'm the bad guy. But I my friend, and your guardian. I watch over you and I help you choose right from wrong. I am your backbone Frisk."

I then woke up next to Sans. He rubbed his head into me. I slid out of bed and I stared out the window. I then heard Sans shifting, he climbed out of bed and he smiled. He then hugged me from behind. I then looked up at him.  He stroked my hair "I love you.." I then pecked a kiss. He then smiled, he then walked out of my room. I sighed. I stared out the window, who should I trust.

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