Wet Dreams Are Gross. *

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"I don't want to go out," I grumble at Liam. "Why don't you just leave me alone?"

He huffs, his face annoyed.

"You've been sitting here in this flat too long, Haz," He stands there, looking at me on the sofa. I spend most of my days here, apart from Uni. "It's time you just went out."

"And I don't want to." I groan.

He sits down next to me, quickly. Here we go.

"Look - just hear me out," He says, face expectant. "Niall's friend has moved to London, and Zayn wants to come out, too. It'll be fun and it'll do you good."

He annoys me because I'm so fucking tired of life at the moment, but I know it is ruining him to watch me hide myself like this.

I used to be so vibrant, happy and romantic. But here I am, broken, pessimistic and dead inside.

"Just have one drink - one," He argues and I huff. He's going to win, he always does. "And if you don't like it, you can go home."

He's won.

I can't see how I can argue with that.

"Okay, just - let me get washed and dressed." I say, running my hand through my messy hair. It is getting long now, and I would usually cut it, but I didn't want to now.

He grins, obviously smug.


"Ugh," I groan. "Why am I here again?"

"Because you need to have a life." Liam suggests, eyes rolling.

Cheers buddy.

I'm wearing an open short sleeved shirt over a black tshirt, skinny jeans and my usual brown boots. I'm not out to look good, or attract anyone. I've messily pulled my longer hair from my eyes with a rolled up bandana, because I'm not really sure what to do with it. It's always so curly.

"They're here somewhere," Liam says, standing on tip toes to look over the crowd. "Let's just get a drink, and we'll find them."

He gets me a lager, and I sniff at it, not sure if I want to drink it.

"Just drink it, Haz." Liam looks at me like I'm weird.

I roll my eyes, taking a large gulp. Okay. Not bad.

"Oh, there they are," Liam tugs at my arm, and I turn. "I can see Niall's blonde hair."

We walk over, and I trip on my feet, because Harry Styles can't walk in a straight line. Niall's alone for the moment, and it confuses me because I'm sure he said his friend was here.

"Can you hold my drink?" I ask Liam, passing it to him. "I need a wee."

"Oh, nice to see you too, Harry!" Niall laughs, and I smile gently.

I walk away, trying to avoid people looking at me, and I use the toilet quickly. Coming back, it makes me feel sick seeing so many people, and I decide this will probably be one drink.

"And he trips up, on nothing by the way," Liam laughs. "Falling straight on this guys lap, and he squeals like a girl."

He cackles and so does Niall, because this story is about me.


"And he gets back up, and says 'sorry,'" Niall stops, laughing harder and it makes me roll my eyes. "'Sorry, I'm really clumsy, and proper gay, but I didn't want to touch you that badly that I fell into your lap - but I'm in your lap so I'm gonna get off now because it's your lap, not mine.'"

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