Harry calm your tits-

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Draco: *snatches the book of Harry's parents from Harry's hands* *puts wand up to the book* Incendio! *book becomes ablaze*

Harry: ....

Draco: *gives him a book of The Dark Arts* Here you go, you can have this one.

Harry: ..... *grabs the book and continues to stare at Draco in disbelief and horror* *book falls from his grasp onto the floor*

Draco: Hey-

Harry: Heheheh... Heheheheh.. *begins to chuckle uncontrollably and creepy* Heheheheh... hehehehehehehe...

Draco: *laughs nervously with him*

Harry: *goes to grab Draco's throat and chocks him onto the floor, still chuckling*

Harry Potter CRACK! Drarry AdditionWhere stories live. Discover now