Liam- Broken Promises

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A/n Trying something new with adding a song in. Let me know what you guys think!

I ran my fingers over the edge of the photo frame sighing. So many memories a single photo held and all for nothing. For it to be forgotten and for it to be wished it was different. 

The photo was my wedding day. I did not regret marrying Liam, not in the slightest, but I just wish we had done things differently. 

I used to make Liam's eyes darken from lust, longing and love, but now they darken from anger, annoyance and aggression. We are always all over each other, always in our little bubble but now we have three kids and responsibilities. We no longer can fix a fight by letting it out in a loving physical form so we bottle it up until we explode in a fiery frenzy. Liam wanted physical contact and having been to work then to come home to three kids I was too tired to give it to him. So he looked elsewhere without telling me. He would come home in the early hours with dishevelled hair and lipstick stains. By staying together we are making our lives miserable and our children's lives horrible and I wasn't going to stand for that anymore.  

I brushed away the tear streaming down my cheek as I placed the photo on top of Liam's bags I had packed earlier. The front door opened and closed and I sighed, biting my lip. Liam walked in the room but stopped in the doorway when he saw all of his things packed into bags. 

"What is this?" He questioned putting his keys in the bowl as he removed his coat. 

"You are moving out," I simply stated, desperately trying to hide the pain my voice held. 

"You can't just kick me out of my own home." Liam laughed, thinking I was joking but I stood crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Go stay somewhere else because I am not doing this more." My voice cracked and I couldn't meet his eyes. 

"And where do you suggest I go?" He shouted and I flinched tears now falling. 

"Go stay at your whore's." I snapped. Liam gulped, obviously unaware that I knew anything. "I knew the whole time and you know why I didn't say anything? Because I was hoping that you would know what you were doing is wrong and you would come back to me. To your wife." 

"Are you seriously doing this?" He growled and I nodded clenching my fists. "Are you seriously turning your back on our marriage?" 

"I didn't turn my back, you did when you went and slept with other people!" All those times I had held my tongue were let out into that one statement. My words were shouted and sobs threatened to collapse my body. But I stayed strong and upright. 

"You want me gone?" He screamed as tear after tear fell. "Fine!" As he walked over to pick up his bags I walked away. I looked back to see him hesitate as his eyes fell upon our wedding photo. Tears fell from his eyes as he put it down on the sofa, picking up his bags and walking out the door, slamming it behind him. Sobs broke through my body as I walked back over to the sofa. I gently picked up the photo as I sat myself on the sofa, my heart unbelievably heavy. 

"Mum?" My oldest son, Alex walked through the doorway followed by Will and Izzy. I looked up and smiled at them. Alex's harsh gaze softened immediatly as he saw the tears on my cheeks. "Oh Mum." Without a doubt he walked over to me sitting on the sofa next to me. He opened his arms and pulled me into his chest as I cried onto the sixteen year old's clothes. "He didn't deserve you."  

I pulled away wiping my tears as I smiled at him. I blew out air as I reached up to run my fingers through my hair. He smiled at me as Izzy walked over. I lifted her onto my lap kissing her forehead. 

"Where did Daddy go?" The innocent little seven year old questioned and I sighed stroking her hair gently. 

"Mummy and Daddy had a fight so he is going to stay somewhere else." Izzy frowned at my words turning to face me. 

"You two will make up right?" Will's voice sounded from the doorway and I bit my lip as more tears threatened to spill. 

"Not this time sweetie." My voice cracked as Will walked over to us sitting himself in-between myself and Alex. "But listen. That does not mean that either of us love you any less, okay? We may not love each like we used to but we will always love you." 

"Why did you and Daddy fight?" Alex went to hiss at Izzy's questioned but I cut him off letting her sink into my arms.  

"Sometimes you love someone so much that the love burns out because you have used up all your love in such a short space of time. " Izzy nodded at my answer and I sighed in relief. Alex turned the Tv on and so we stayed like that, frozen in time for that moment. My mind drifted back to a rather iconic memory of myself and Liam and I sighed wishing things were always as simple as they were in that moment.

"You have to promise me something," I whispered in-between kisses that made my stomach explode. 

"Anything." He replied trailing kisses down my neck, sucking and biting in places. Gently I grabbed his head making him look me in the eye. 

"Promise you will love me like this forever." I whispered. Liam smiled pressing his lips against mine, his teeth gently tugging at my bottom lip before he pulled away. 

"I promise."

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