Age 12 Realizations Part 3

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The microwave indicated that the instant noodles were finished, and Kou gave a huge sigh of relief, tired from cleaning up the shattered glass near the phone. He nearly forgot about this morning's incident. "And it was only one day!"

Making his way to the microwave in the kitchen, Kou carefully took out the noodles, not wanting another spill to clean up, and then made his way to the dining table.

Heaving gratefully into his seat, Kou began to eat slowly, allowing his tired mind to wander into the past.

"You're watching that show again?"

"Yeah, why?"

A wry grin crept up on Kou's face at the fond and distant memory.

"Honestly, I wonder where you even picked up the habit,"

"Me either?"

Kou gave a snort at the lame excuse he had given back then. If he remembered correctly it was the simplicity of the graphics that had first entranced him.

"Yeah right,"

A small quirk of the brunette's lips lifted up in amusement. Nothing did seem to get past him, even though he was a very disorganized parent.

"Welp, no helping it! I'm here now so you can't do nuthin' about it!"

Kou let out a chuckle at the comeback, it has been a long time since he tried to sass someone.

"As much as I love you, I don't hold up for the sass you inherited from your mother."

"Aw shucks, dad, now you're embarrassing me!"

"Oh well,"

Kou grinned at the memory, finishing up his noodles and merely sat there, allowing his memory go on.

"Now tell me why you're so interested in this show of yours,"

"Then would you watch it with me then?"

"Not a chance, I'm much too old for this,"

"It's worth a try,"

"So what is it about,"

"Would you like the simple version, or the one where there are epic sound effects?"


"Okay, okay, I got it!"


"The story is about a thirteen year old boy who lives in Japan, and is practically good at nothing."

"Reminds me of you when you were in Middle School,"


"I'm joking, haha,"

"Anyways, the boys mom is sent a flyer that says a tutor is for hire and would help her son grow into a leader!"

"Who would fall for such a scam?"

"That's just how it was made to be, but listen, the point is that the tutor for hire turns out to be a hitman sent by his boss, a Mafia Don, to train the thirteen year old into a boss! A Mafia boss at that!"

The rush of excitement flowed through Kou as if he was the one who was spilling the story, all over again.

"You lost me there,"

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